Chapter 161: Been Waiting for You for a Long Time

At that moment, the man who had originally been in formal attire became completely contorted. His chest caved in, his neck twisted to the side, his left arm dangled limply, and his right leg bent backward.

However, despite such severe injuries, a sinister smile surfaced on the man's face.

"I never thought there'd be a day when I'd use 'Return' on myself, hehe..." A chilling voice emanated from the man's throat.

Right after that, a syringe was inserted into the major artery of his neck.

At that moment, the man's previously collapsed chest rapidly inflated.

Crack, the broken leg bones were directly set back into place by his own hands.

Crack, the twisted neck was also straightened by him.

Wang Dadong's brow furrowed, wondering what on earth was inside that syringe that could allow a body to rapidly self-heal and even bring the dead back to life.