Chapter 25 Riding a Tiger, Hard to Dismount

The pavilion boat didn't take anyone else after Ding Fan boarded, and it headed straight for the center of the lake. Witnessing this scene, the onlookers on the shore were all faces of envy. It should be known that those who came today were all well-known figures, and to enjoy such treatment, Ding Fan was indeed the first.

About ten minutes later, the boat reached the center of the lake.

"Mr. Ding, we have arrived. Miss Lin is already waiting for you in the banquet hall."

After docking, a man in a suit walked in respectfully and said to Ding Fan.

Ding Fan nodded and got off the boat, onto the shore.

It was only upon arriving that Ding Fan discovered there was actually a small island at the very center of the lake. The owner really had quite the whimsical idea to build a pavilion here. Located at the heart of the lake, it boasted beautiful scenery and fresh air - truly a fine destination.

"Are you that wastrel from the Ding Family? What are you doing here?"