Chapter 153: The Lin Family, Lin Beijiang

The patriarch of the Lin Family, Lin Beijiang. Not only in Honggang City, but even within the Chinese Community, he is a legendary figure.

In his earlier years, when Grandfather Lin was still quite young, he used his bare fists to fight for a foothold at the docks of Honggang City. A series of fortuitous events allowed him to gradually expand until today, the Lin Family's Tianyang Group is not just a major enterprise in Huaxia Country, but also ranks highly in Yahuan State.

It could be said that without Lin Beijiang, there would be no Lin Family as we know it today.

Over the years, the health of the Lin Family's patriarch had been failing, and he had been abroad for treatment, so all the major and minor affairs of the Lin Family fell on Lin Zhanting's shoulders.

Upon hearing that Grandfather Lin had already arrived at the gates of the resort, Fu Yuanzheng hurriedly said, "Now that Grandfather Lin has arrived, I must personally go to welcome him."