Chapter 11 The Girl Across

Ge Dongxu followed Cheng Le Hao's pointing finger and looked across the street from the building. His expression briefly froze; wasn't that Dong Yuxin, the girl he had met on the street earlier?

"I see her, what about it?" Ge Dongxu's face quickly shifted to one of confusion, not understanding why Cheng Le Hao was so excitedly dragging him to look at Dong Yuxin. Did he witness the scene where he played the hero just now?

No way, when I came to his place earlier, he was still fast asleep in his room wearing nothing but boxers!

"Holy crap, brother, are you truly clueless or just pretending? Didn't you notice that the girl across the street is super hot? Tsk tsk, such a pretty face, those legs so white and long, and then there's… hiss-slurp!" Cheng Le Hao gave Ge Dongxu a sidelong glance, his voice trailing off as he couldn't help but let his saliva drip, quickly sucking it back in with an expression as lecherous as one could be.

"Definitely hot, but that seems unrelated to you. Don't tell me, you're planning to chase after her!" Even though Ge Dongxu disapproved of Cheng Le Hao's lewdness, he couldn't deny that Dong Yuxin was indeed beautiful. He nodded and deliberately sized up Cheng Le Hao from head to toe with his gaze.

"Hey, don't look down on a fatty! Maybe Dong Yuxin likes a bit of meat on the bones, you know?" Cheng Le Hao was annoyed at Ge Dongxu's scrutinizing look, shot him a disdainful glance, and then purposely hitched up his trousers, giving his flab a shake that left Ge Dongxu feeling a bout of chills.

"I think your chances are about as good as winning the lottery, so you might as well calm down, exercise properly, and aspire to have abs like mine," Ge Dongxu lifted his shirt to reveal his steel-like eight-pack abs and said.

"Holy shit! No wonder you're so strong! Those are the legendary eight-pack abs, huh? Let me touch them, let me touch!" Initially, Ge Dongxu wanted to give Cheng Le Hao a good knockdown, but instead, the fat man exhibited no sign of enlightenment. Seeing this, his eyes lit up as if he had discovered a new world, reaching out his chubby hands to touch Ge Dongxu's abs. Ge Dongxu, disgusted, quickly pulled down his shirt and harshly slapped away his hands.

"Pssh, what's so great about that? You're not Dong Yuxin. Even if you let me touch them, I wouldn't care!" Cheng Le Hao retorted dismissively after Ge Dongxu slapped his hand away.

Having said that, Cheng Le Hao returned to lying on the windowsill, his eyes squinted and drooling at the corners of his mouth as he stealthily watched Dong Yuxin.

"Tsk tsk, she's indeed the perpetual top school beauty at our school! Starting the day after tomorrow, she and I will be schoolmates, then I'll be able to see her every day. Just the thought of it excites me," Cheng Le Hao murmured to himself, his eyes glowing.

"Your two families live right across the street from each other, don't you see her every day?" Ge Dongxu rolled his eyes and said.

"She rarely comes out, so it's hard to catch a glimpse of her," Cheng Le Hao said. As he spoke, he suddenly slapped his thigh and exclaimed, "Crap, I've been so busy arguing with you, a guy who doesn't understand women, that I forgot to grab the binoculars."

With that said, Cheng Le Hao hurriedly ran downstairs.

Watching his hefty figure quickly exit his room, Ge Dongxu was completely speechless.

This guy actually used a telescope!

However, Cheng Le Hao didn't run away for long before he came back with a face full of disappointment, saying, "I was too late, she went inside."

"We live just across from each other, and we'll both be alumni in the future. Is it necessary to spy on her with a telescope? Just say hello the next time you see her, get to know her, and that'll be it," Ge Dongxu saw Cheng Le Hao's dejected look and couldn't help but laugh and cry at the same time.

"Talk is cheap for you! That's the school beauty of Changxi No. 1 Middle School we're talking about, and she's a senior this year. We're just freshmen. Do you think she would even care to acknowledge you if you greet her? Besides, it's said that there are a lot of guys in Changxi No. 1 Middle School who are after Dong Yuxin, and several of them are top students with good family backgrounds, but she just ignores them all," Cheng Lehao rolled his eyes as he spoke.

"Really? I actually don't think she's the type to reject people outright. She probably just isn't interested in dating right now, which is why she's intentionally ignoring those guys. By the way, you haven't even started attending Changxi No. 1 Middle School yet, so how do you know so much already?" Ge Dongxu asked.

"I asked a classmate about it. His brother goes to Changxi No. 1 Middle School," Cheng Le Hao replied.

"I see. But we're still students, young, we should focus more on studying rather than worrying about school beauties, women!" Ge Dongxu seriously advised.

"Get out, talking to a bookworm like you who hasn't even grown up or seen the world about women is like playing the lute to a cow." Cheng Lehao rolled his eyes disdainfully when Ge Dongxu, instead of joining in on the conversation about women, advised him to study hard.

With that, Cheng Lehao turned and clomped downstairs.

The thoughts of teenagers in the mountains are more simple and conservative than those of city folks. Moreover, at that time, Ge Dongxu and his peers were young and fully focused on the middle school exams. In Baiyun Mountain Town Middle School, aside from a few rebellious youths, the topic of women was always off-limits. Ge Dongxu, besides studying, put a lot of effort into cultivation, maintaining his demeanor and spirit, so he certainly didn't have the energy to talk about women. But Ge Dongxu was, after all, at the age where adolescence stirs, and he began to harbor a faint curiosity towards the matters between men and women, especially after the pressure of middle school exams had lifted and a summer vacation had passed. His curiosity about the opposite sex seemed to explode like crazy-growing grass after the rain, to the point where he'd even dream about it at night.

Originally, after helping Dong Yuxin, Ge Dongxu had pretty much put her out of his mind, free of distractions. But just now, after what Cheng Lehao said, that youthful heart couldn't help but begin to feel restless. As he tidied up his room, the pretty face of Dong Yuxin, her puffy chest, perky butt, and long, white legs would uncontrollably pop into his mind.

"What's gotten into me today? It's all Cheng Lehao's fault!" Ge Dongxu, essentially a boy with a pure heart, felt guilty whenever such inappropriate images surfaced in his mind. He grumbled to himself and simply put down his work, sat cross-legged on the floor, adjusted his breathing, and tried to keep his Spirit Platform clear and serene.

After doing this for a short while, Ge Dongxu's state of mind gradually regained its calm, free from distractions.

With his mind cleared, Ge Dongxu then opened his eyes, stood up, continued tidying the room, and felt particularly refreshed.

This meditation technique was also one of the secrets behind how Ge Dongxu could achieve good results in his studies and be the only person from Baiyun Mountain Town to get into the county's best middle school despite spending a lot of time on cultivation. Whenever he found studying tedious and hard to focus, just meditating like this for a while would refresh him, enabling him to immerse in his studies efficiently, making him far more productive than the others.