Chapter 19 Remember, Call Me Senior [Please Favorite, Please Recommend]

"One, two, three, four, five, six..." Dong Yuxin's delicate fingers traced Ge Dongxu's abdominal muscles, pressing down on each one until suddenly she realized something. Her fingers snapped back as if shocked by electricity, and her cheeks instantly became burning hot.

Although her hand withdrew, the tips of her fingers lingered with an indescribable strange sensation, giving her the urge to reach out again and press along those powerful abs.

An ambiguous and awkward atmosphere that can hardly be described in words began to ripple between the young man and the youthful beauty, rendering them both suddenly silent.

Eventually, it was Ge Dongxu, the mountain boy who had slowly become accustomed to interacting with beautiful girls, who broke the silence.

"See, I wasn't bragging, right? It's an eight-pack," Ge Dongxu said, trying to sound casual but with a hint of pride, seemingly oblivious to the impropriety just a moment ago.