Chapter 35 Haoge, what happened to you?

Ge Dongxu naturally wouldn't bother with the astonished expressions of the four people at the door, who looked as though they had seen a ghost. He simply proceeded with Lin Kun and Yue Ting by his sides through the splendidly decorated passageway, into the lobby, and then headed straight for the elevator.

The two girls still guarding the elevator door were dressed strikingly.

Seeing Ge Dongxu take the lead, with Lin Kun and Yue Ting flanking him respectfully, both girls bore humble, obliging smiles and spoke to him in soft voices. Their mouths hung open in shock, and they were unable to close them for a long time.

When Lin Kun and the others approached, the girls finally snapped back to reality and remembered that they had previously mocked the young man as a country bumpkin. Their faces suddenly turned pale, and they quickly crossed their hands over their abdomens, bowing slightly and saying, "Director Lin, Miss Yue, this gentleman..."