Chapter 75 Buying a House

Returning to the county town, Ge Dongxu did not go straight back to Cheng Yazhou's home, but made another trip to Jiang Family Village.

Since he had only given his parents fifty thousand yuan, Ge Dongxu now had a balance of one hundred and twenty thousand in his account; he thought about buying another house in Jiang Family Village so he could move out of Cheng Yazhou's house as soon as possible.

After circling the village a few times, Ge Dongxu took a liking to a house on the eastern side of the village. It was an old house connected to three others, its walls even slanted due to typhoon damage, to the point that it could be considered a dangerous building.

Behind this row of four houses were a small bamboo grove, a vegetable garden, and a winding river, with visible hills further away. In front was a shared courtyard belonging to the four households.