Chapter 155 New Investment Direction

Watching Ge Dongxu practically flee through the door, Yuan Li sobered up in an instant and, recalling the incident that had just occurred, wished she could slap herself twice.

It's a disaster, it's a disaster, he wouldn't think I was trying to seduce him, would he? Now he'll look down on me! He won't ignore me from now on, will he?

As Yuan Li thought about it, she also remembered the physical reaction Ge Dongxu had when he held her, and her cheeks flushed again. This guy!

That night, Yuan Li tossed and turned, unable to sleep, her mind in chaos. It was only around two or three in the morning that she finally drifted off to sleep in a daze.

In her dreams, she seemed to see a man pressing down on her; she wanted to push him away, only to realize it was Ge Dongxu.

Then Yuan Li woke up. When she did, it was already daylight outside, and she lay in bed, stunned, for a while.

"Sigh," after a long time, Yuan Li let out a deep sigh, then got up from the bed.