Chapter 163: Treating Illness

Du Yifan's words left Du Haibin both embarrassed and annoyed, while Yu Xi just "hmph"ed. Before, she would at least pretend to say a few insincere words, but now that things had escalated to this point, she couldn't even bother to wear the last bit of her hypocritical mask.

"Don't worry, Yifan, with your talent in computers, they are bound to regret what they did today!" Ge Dongxu patted Du Yifan on the shoulder and said.

He was Du Yifan's deskmate, and no one knew better than him about Du Yifan's talent in computers. Thus, when he heard Du Yifan was going to develop software to sell, Ge Dongxu did not show any surprise. His only reaction was guilt and self-reproach for not having taken more care of his deskmate, to the extent that he was unaware of such a serious situation occurring at his friend's home.

"Can computer talent be eaten as food?" Yu Xi muttered disdainfully. This ruthless and shortsighted woman with little education couldn't comprehend what computer talent meant.