Chapter 7 The Future is Not a Dream_2

Liu Wentian once again realized the immutable law of the jungle in this world where the weak are prey to the strong.

He knew that only by becoming stronger could he escape this suffocating state.

"In the future, you will regret this!" Liu Wentian thought to himself, more convinced than ever that his decision to leave that unscrupulous Anji Children's Hospital was the right one!

Evening, a secluded corner in Xi Yue Garden.

Liu Wentian closed his eyes, recalling the figure of Sheng Tianzhan in his dreams, along with every punch and kick, especially that final devastating punch.

Liu Wentian's body also moved continuously, sometimes launching a fierce punch, sometimes sweeping his legs sharply through the air, making whooshing sounds, stepping lightly but moving his body extensively. If someone were watching his footwork, they would likely get dizzier the more they looked.

However, despite the fierce and domineering power displayed in his punches and kicks, his brows furrowed deeper and deeper. He kept practicing the same movement over and over, like writing a stroke, dissatisfied with it and constantly rewriting.

After repeating this for about an hour, Liu Wentian was drenched in sweat, his face flushed, and his limbs trembling uncontrollably, he finally stopped.

"Why!! Why, when I mimic every detail of Sheng Tianzhan's movements, do my punches and kicks turn out so differently! It feels like worlds apart," Liu Wentian complained, frustrated.

The feeling was like copying a calligraphy master's work—although every stroke seemed the same, the gap was huge; one was a master, and the other hadn't even reached the entry-level!

"Forget it, this kind of gap won't be closed overnight. The urgent task is to quickly improve my physical fitness; my current physical condition is too poor!!"

Liu Wentian felt the weakness and soreness in his body, "Right now, I am too weak, barely at the entry-level of the first layer of the 'Heaven and Earth Demons Gods Technique.' However, with my understanding and application of various martial arts techniques, my combat power is still much stronger than that of an ordinary person."

The "Heaven and Earth Demons Gods Technique," a cultivation technique that Sheng Tianzhan had stumbled upon, was also what gave him that earth-shattering power.

The "Heaven and Earth Demons Gods Technique" has three levels, the first being the Pseudo Body Refinement. Liu Wentian is currently at the entry stage of Body Refinement.

"Through the Body Refining Chapter of the 'Heaven and Earth Demons Gods Technique,' I can quickly increase my body's strength, but the load on the body from the Body Refining Chapter is too high. If I can't keep up with energy replenishment, it might actually crush my body. What I need to do now is find the materials to refine the Yellow Spirit; with it to replenish energy, I can then use the Body Refining Chapter to enhance my physical strength," he thought.

As he thought about this, however, Liu Wentian awkwardly realized that he didn't even have enough money to buy the materials, let alone cover his living expenses for the next month.

Liu Wentian was not planning to go back to the hospital; this was already his second job change, the first having been at the same company as Chuyue.

At this point, that had no meaning for him.

But how to make some money?

Liu Wentian was at a loss; he couldn't just run into the street, find sick people, and offer his services, could he?

When Liu Wentian left the park, the sun had already set in the west.

The streets were crowded; Shenming City, this bustling metropolis, was a city that never slept, never a quiet moment. Every day, people from all walks of life came, hoping to make a name for themselves in this golden place and return home gloriously.

As he passed a footbridge, Liu Wentian suddenly heard a girl's song.

Her voice was young, ethereal, and clean, bringing comfort to anyone who listened, but the clean, young voice also carried a heartbreaking bewilderment and sadness. She was singing an old song, "My Future Isn't a Dream."

Are you like me, bowing under the sun,

Working silently, sweating,

Are you like me, even if treated coldly,

Not giving up on the life you want,

Are you like me, busy pursuing all day,

Pursuing a kind of unexpected gentleness,

Are you like me, once confused,

Wandering back and forth at crossroads,

Because I don't care what others say,

I have never forgotten myself,

My future isn't a dream,

The promises to myself, the persistence in love,

I know my future isn't a dream,

I seriously live every minute.


Curious, Liu Wentian wondered what the singing girl looked like. She wasn't very professional, yet her singing easily moved him, touching his heart.

Liu Wentian walked a few steps forward.

A girl was sitting on a low stool, playing a guitar and singing. She bowed her head to play the guitar, her black hair covering her face, showing only a small, pale part of her side face.

She was dressed simply in slightly faded jeans and a long-sleeved purple top, her figure appearing delicate and frail.

In front of her, an open guitar case contained several five and ten-dollar bills; only a few people were listening to her sing, but she was still singing passionately.

Liu Wentian stood by and listened for a while, also feeling moved. The girl might not have been very professional, but she was singing with all her heart, pouring her emotions into the song.

Dream Chaser. This city was full of Dream Chasers, but how many of them could really see their dreams come true? Most were merely living a dream.

When the song ended, Liu Wentian took out ten dollars from his nearly empty wallet and placed it in her guitar case. She looked up, smiled at Liu Wentian, her eyes clear, and her smile shy and reserved.