Chapter 17 Damn It

"Interesting, really interesting!!"

Wu Shao on the opposite side reacted and suddenly burst into laughter, laughing somewhat crazily, with uncontrollable rage intermingled in his fury, "Liu Wentian, even if you no longer approach Sheng Qianmei, it's useless. You've angered me, you'll regret this, you really will regret it, because I will torment you to death!!

You a mere poor commoner, dare to defy me?? Are you that good at fighting?? How many can you handle?? 10?? 100?? In this society, being able to fight is useless!! I'll make you realize just how stupid what you did today is, just how utterly—"

He didn't finish his sentence, but Liu Wentian was too lazy to listen further; he gripped his palm firmly, and the metal casing of the phone was horribly deformed.

At that moment, in a villa, a youth dressed lavishly listened to the dial tone coming from the other end, furiously smashed the phone onto the ground, his face twisted angrily, "Liu Wentian, you ignorant fool!! I'll surely kill you!!"

This poor nobody who dares to speak to him like that, he should be dead!!

He had investigated his opponent, who was just a country bumpkin from the countryside, previously working odd jobs at a modeling agency, and even seemed to have lost that job now.

What right does he have to speak to me like this??

"I will definitely make you regret this!!"

Meanwhile, Liu Wentian recalling what he had said to the other party, felt disdain, "100 people, so what?? Once my body is trained to the peak level, even if 100 people armed with knives were protecting you, I could still twist off your head."

Spirit Refinement, a branch of Huaxia medical art, shares subtleties with decoctions and plasters.

However, the term 'Spirit Refinement' itself carries a layer of mystique; when people hear these two words, they often think of Immortals, dreaming of eternal life.

Since ancient times, countless emperors sought the way of immortality, and what they sought was the Immortal Spirit to grant them eternal life.

In 'Journey to the West,' Sun Wukong stole the Immortal Spirit from the Supreme Old Lord, hence he gained the Fiery Eyes and Golden Gaze in the Spirit Refinement Furnace of the Supreme Old Lord; Chen Xiang saving his mother also relied on stealing the Immortal Spirit from the Supreme Old Lord to greatly increase his powers, leading to his further exploits.

However, what Liu Wentian planned to practice was not some Immortal Spirit, but merely ordinary Spiritual Medicine, which is a type of medicine.

Of course, these ordinary Spiritual Medicines, if known to outsiders, would be enough to drive countless people mad, especially those that preserve youth and enhance beauty, definitely driving women around the world insane.

Liu Wentian did consider creating some beautifying Spiritual Medicines to sell for some money, but the appearance of such medicines would inevitably involve horrific interests and attract scrutiny from all quarters.

A common man is innocent; possessing jewels brings guilt. Although Liu Wentian isn't afraid of trouble, he would rather not invite it.

Although he needed some money now, he wasn't desperately short; for example, the over 100,000 he had previously seized already solved his urgent needs. Only if he lacked tens of hundreds of millions, might he consider earning money through Spiritual Medicine.

Using the medicinal materials acquired with the help of Sheng Qianmei, after toiling most of the night, Liu Wentian finally managed to produce Yellow Spirit.

Spirit Refinement requires extremely stringent control over the fire temperature; in ancient times, when people practiced Spirit Refinement, even if a Spirit Refinement Master was not present, there had to be children nearby watching the furnace, paying attention to the fire.

Thus, it's said that the Supreme Old Lord also had two Spirit Refinement children always at his side to guard the furnace.

In Liu Wentian's room there was only a small gas stove, he tried it and found it utterly incapable of properly controlling the fire, so he had to run to a desolate wilderness in the middle of the night to fire up and refine spirits. As for tools, ordinary medicine pots sufficed.

He placed the seven Yellow Spirits he refined into a small ceramic bottle, stored it in his pocket.

Liu Wentian talked to himself, "These seven Yellow Spirits can only be used for seven days, and to train the First Layer of 'Heaven and Earth Demons Gods Technique' to the peak, I don't know how much longer it will take. Looks like I need to get some more money; if I had about a million, I could sustain for a longer period."

Refining Spirit is taxing work; it requires constant focus and meticulous attention. At every moment and in various conditions, the proportions of the herbs added must be precise—any slight error could greatly reduce the effectiveness of the Spiritual Medicine, or even turn it into useless or poisonous spirit.

Extremely exhausted, Liu Wentian returned to his rented room at 4 a.m. and fell into a deep sleep shortly after lying down.

At 8 a.m., Liu Wentian got up on time.

At the street corner, a 60-year-old man saw him and happily shouted, "Wentian, are you up?? Still having soy milk, fried dough sticks, and two meat buns??"

Liu Wentian smiled and said, "Yes, Grandpa Fan."

Ever since Liu Wentian had lived in this neighborhood, he had bought breakfast here almost every day.

The old man made the soy milk, fried dough sticks, and buns himself, which were not only tasty and generous in portion but also reasonably priced, and most importantly, the man was very kind.

After taking the breakfast handed over by the old man, Liu Wentian checked his wallet, found he had no change, and took out a 100 Yuan bill, saying, "Grandpa Fan, I don't have change, please take this."

The old man smiled and shook his head, "It's not much money, just pay me next time you come."

Liu Wentian nodded in agreement with a smile. They knew each other well; this was not the first time this had happened, so he didn't say much more.

He had just taken a few steps when suddenly several heavy motorcycles roared past him, raising clouds of dust and a group of young men and women, all under 20, cheered loudly.

One of them, a 17 or 18-year-old boy with purple hair, even turned back to provocatively whistle at Liu Wentian, then disappeared from sight.

Grandpa Fan was angry and said, "These young people nowadays really have no manners at all! Motorbikes are banned in Shenming City now, yet they still race here, causing trouble, it's detestable! They even ride without safety helmets, they really are not afraid of dying, sigh."

Liu Wentian saw clearly; in the group of racers, the one leading at the front was a 16 or 17-year-old tall girl in a black bodysuit, with a flawless melon-seed face that could be described as flawless, but she had purple hair and wore blue contacts, which made her look quite alternative.

Although the girl was beautiful, Liu Wentian felt no attraction to her, only disgust.

Clearly, this was a group of rich-second-generation kids who were arrogant and reckless, and if common people were hit by them, it likely wouldn't come to any consequence.

Hearing Grandpa Fan's complaints, Liu Wentian smiled and agreed with him a few times, endorsing his view, then left.

He found a secluded spot, sat under a big tree, took Yellow Spirit, and then began practicing the "Boundless Body Sculpting Fist" from the "Body Sculpting Chapter" of the "Heaven and Earth Demons Gods Technique," using the fist technique to squeeze and temper his body.

His body turned slightly red, which was a result of taking the Yellow Spirit, which contained powerful energies spreading inside his body. What Liu Wentian needed to do was to quickly absorb these energies and forge his body to make it stronger.

During this process, through the "Boundless Body Sculpting Fist," he intensely compressed his muscles, and then let the energy from the Yellow Spirit replenish his muscles, creating a cycle.

His punches were grand and expansive, his body occasionally twisted into odd shapes, and crackling noises constantly emanated from his body; his sweat quickly soaked through his clothes, but he persisted grimly.

About an hour and a half later, he finally stopped, panting heavily.

Liu Wentian could feel his body's fatigue, but as the medicinal nature of the Yellow Spirit was fully absorbed, he also felt pleasantly refreshed, like a dry sponge greedily absorbing water.

"That's enough for today. The medicine's effect has been fully absorbed, and my body needs to rest. The results aren't bad," Liu Wentian said, squeezing his fist and feeling the power in the muscles of his palm, pleased.

"Huh??" Liu Wentian noticed two little girls staring at him, their big eyes twinkling with excitement similar to seeing Ultraman...

"Kids, do you need something?" Liu Wentian awkwardly asked, feeling like he just became the target of the suspicious stranger he himself felt wary of as a child.

These two little girls were about 5 or 6 years old, looking quite alike with baby fat on their faces and plump arms and legs. Both were wearing cute purple princess dresses.

When Liu Wentian spoke, one of them seemed a bit startled and quickly hid behind the other, like a scared little bunny, looking somewhat timid at Liu Wentian yet curious at the same time.

The other girl, however, smiled brightly, seeming very lively and curious, and asked, "Big brother, are you practicing martial arts?? Just like the ones on TV??"

The girl hiding behind her also widened her eyes, staring at Liu Wentian, waiting for his answer, filled with anticipation.