Chapter 15 Let Him Pretend

"Oh come on, all dressed up in a suit, looking like he owns the sky, and to think he's such a scaredy-cat, what a joke!"

"I have a feeling that kid is no simpleton. It couldn't have been that he actually peed himself after just one touch, right? But man, this guy really made a fool of himself big time."

Listening to the mocking comments from the crowd, Li Qifeng wished the ground would open up and swallow him. He had never been so humiliated in his entire life.

He truly didn't understand what had happened to him. How come the moment the other person touched him, he lost control? And why did he, who usually suffered from kidney deficiency, frequent and urgent peeing without much volume, suddenly take such a satisfying pee??

"Bastard! It was you, wasn't it?? You did this, right?" Li Qifeng's face was twisted with rage as he roared at Liu Wentian.

When the other party had touched him just now, he felt as if a chill had crept in from the other's fingers. It must have been his trickery!

Liu Wentian didn't answer, but just smiled and said, "Do you believe that if I touch you one more time, you'll be so scared that you'll crap yourself in front of everyone? Just now was just a pee burst, next up would be a crap burst."

Li Qifeng was scared half to death hearing this. Peeing his pants in public was bad enough to make him want to die, but if he were to poop his pants in public, he'd rather just slam his head against the wall and die.

He retreated several steps in fear, as if standing before him was a devil grinning menacingly. Then, as if feeling his own reaction was too shameful, he gritted his teeth at Liu Wentian, saying,

"You little twerp, just you wait, I won't let you off! I'll make sure you can't get by in Shenming City!"

After dropping his threat, he immediately left, afraid that Liu Wentian would catch up and touch him again.

Fan Jing looked at Liu Wentian and felt that he had really changed from before, becoming far more domineering than he used to be. He was no longer that poor kid who did errands in the office, and it seemed like he had gained some weird skills.

Her face showed mixed emotions, and suddenly she felt some regret. If she really had ended up with Liu Wentian back then, it seemed like it wouldn't have been so bad. Liu Wentian clearly seemed more reliable than those rich second-generation guys. But now, thinking about this was already too late, and she could only follow after Li Qifeng.

As the crowd dispersed, Sheng Qianmei looked at Liu Wentian, her smile somewhat strange.

Liu Wentian, at a loss for words, said, "Why are you looking at me like that..."

Sheng Qianmei said, "The way he wet his pants just now, that was your doing, wasn't it?"

Liu Wentian laughed and said, "What does it have to do with me? He's got a weak bladder, and I just touched him, then he got scared and wet himself. I was just joking around, I didn't expect him to be so easily frightened, or maybe he really has a problem, incontinence perhaps."

"Yeah right, if you won't admit it, fine." Sheng Qianmei rolled her eyes and said.

Dressed up like a queen, Sheng Qianmei's purple eyes were indeed captivating, alluring and sexy, momentarily stunning Liu Wentian.

"How about it, doesn't it look good?" Sheng Qianmei flaunted, twirling in front of Liu Wentian, proudly saying.

Liu Wentian swallowed hard and dishonestly said, "It's alright."

"Hmph! You're lying! Well then, I'll take this outfit," Sheng Qianmei said with a playful scold, then turned to the salesperson nearby.

The female salesperson, who had also been somewhat distracted, snapped back to reality upon hearing Sheng Qianmei's words, lavished her with compliments, and sincerely said to Liu Wentian, "Sir, not only is your girlfriend beautiful, but she also has such a distinguished air about her, you're really lucky."

Hearing this, Sheng Qianmei couldn't help but smile proudly at Liu Wentian.

Liu Wentian didn't continue the conversation but just smiled at Sheng Qianmei and said, "Thanks for earlier."

Sheng Qianmei understood that he was referring to her pretending to be his girlfriend to bail him out, so she said, "Don't mention it. I just couldn't stand that woman."

"Oh?? Why couldn't you stand her?? It seemed like she hadn't bothered you??" Liu Wentian asked, curious.

"None of your business, hmph!" Sheng Qianmei rolled her eyes again, leaving Liu Wentian somewhat confused.

Fan Jing seemed like she hadn't offended her from start to finish, only calling him a poor devil, right??

After Sheng Qianmei finished buying clothes, it was already very late. She dropped off Liu Wentian at his community and then left.

However, when saying goodbye, she hesitantly mentioned something about "body weakness that can be cured with more nourishment and not to feel inferior because of that... that impotence or something. Besides, it's not like that's the only thing between men and women."

These words left Liu Wentian somewhat mystified, and then she, with her face flushed, drove off as if escaping.

Liu Wentian watched the green Porsche disappear into the night and muttered to himself, "What's with this woman, why so secretive?? But she's not bad, she's actually not as aloof as she seems, quite cute actually."

Suddenly, he chuckled, looked toward a dark corner where a large tree stood and said indifferently, "Can you come out now?? You've been following us all this time, what exactly do you want?"

No sooner had he finished speaking than a man, around 25 or 26 years old, stepped out from behind the tree. The man was muscular, with a buzz cut, a scar across his face—a fierce character at first glance.

"You actually noticed me??" The man showed a look of surprise.

"Is it that strange that I found you?? Don't tell me you think your tracking skills are that clever??" Liu Wentian said with a mocking tone.

When he returned, he had noticed a car tailing them from behind. When they got out of the car, a person also got out of that car and followed the two of them. The man moved quickly and discreetly, but for the current Liu Wentian, this was as obvious as if it was happening right under his nose.

He had initially thought the man was after Sheng Qianmei, but noticing that Sheng Qianmei had left and the man still hadn't budged, it seemed as though he was waiting for Sheng Qianmei to leave.

Therefore, Liu Wentian kept silent about the man's presence and only spoke up after Sheng Qianmei had gone, to settle this himself. Since it wasn't Sheng Qianmei the man was after, it was clearly himself.

Liu Wentian asked with curiosity, "Did Li Qifeng send you??"

After some thought, he guessed it was Li Qifeng, who had just been embarrassed in front of him, that would send someone to trouble him. As for Cui Yunpeng and the other two he had fought before, they wouldn't have the guts to seek revenge against him.

The man, however, responded with disdain, "Li Qifeng?? Pfft! As if that trash could give me orders?? He's not worthy!"

This piqued Liu Wentian's curiosity further, as he really couldn't think of anyone else who would come after him, "Oh?? Then who sent you??"

The man said with some pride, "I'm with Master Wu!!"

"Master Wu?? Who is that again? Can't you just speak plainly and finish in one go?? Beating around the bush like that, acting like someone with constipation, are you that bored?" Liu Wentian said, growing impatient.