Chapter 19: Don't Mess Around

The girl on the motorcycle—who hadn't spoken until now—also cried out, "Xu Yi, don't mess around!!"

However, the purple-haired boy had already kicked out and clearly had no intention of holding back. Just as his foot was about to hit the little girl, a hand reached out and swept the girl away.

Liu Wentian, holding the little girl who was still shaken and somewhat terrified, angrily said to the purple-haired boy, "You're this vicious to a 6-year-old girl, you're really quite the beast."

The purple-haired boy, seeing that suddenly another person had appeared, poorly dressed and obviously a pauper, snorted contemptuously and shouted, "Kid, mind your own business. You can't handle my affairs. Go back to where you came from, or else old man here will kill you!!"

Liu Wentian's face grew even colder, "It seems your parents gave birth to you but failed to teach you any manners, leaving you without a shred of decency. Let me teach you how to be a person, then."

"Haha, are you sick in the head?? Do you even know who I am?? Do you know how much the motorcycle I'm riding costs?? You poor sod could work for years and still couldn't afford it!! What are you, thinking you can teach me how to be a person??" The purple-haired boy laughed as if he had heard the funniest joke.

His companions also followed with disdainful laughter.

"Holy shit, this guy wants to play hero and save the beauty, huh."

"This dumbass probably doesn't know that Xu Yi has been learning Taekwondo since elementary school," one of them said.

"Nonsense, of course he doesn't know. Otherwise, he wouldn't have the guts. But really, I'm quite eager to see him getting beaten up by Xu Yi."

"Xu Yi always goes all in when he strikes. This is going to be a good show."

The purple-haired girl looked at Liu Wentian with scorn, then said indifferently, "Xu Yi, go easy, don't really hurt anyone, got it?"

The purple-haired boy, as if receiving a holy decree, smiled at the girl and said, "Ruanruan, don't worry. I know my limits."

The girl nodded in approval, but then heard Liu Wentian say, "You may know your limits, but I sure don't."

The girl frowned, showing a hint of annoyance. This guy was really getting ahead of himself, actually thinking he was some sort of a master.

Xu Yi was the mainstay of the school's Taekwondo club, a black belt, able to handle two or three grown men with ease; while the man before her seemed nothing more than an ordinary person. His unprovoked arrogance was sheer stupidity.

The purple-haired boy, hearing Liu Wentian's words, let out a malicious laugh, "Seems like you're really asking for death. Since that's the case, I'll just have to kill you!!"

Liu Wentian didn't answer, rather he handed the little girl over to her mother next to him, and with a blur of his body, the purple-haired boy found Liu Wentian had disappeared before his eyes; then, an intense pain exploded in his stomach.

Liu Wentian directly grabbed the opponent's shoulder and with his knee aimed a blow at the boy's stomach, resulting in a scream of agony from the purple-haired boy.

"Come on, weren't you going to kill me??" Liu Wentian mocked.

The purple-haired boy retched, struck so hard that he vomited, his eyes rolling back in pain, unable to retort.

This all happened too quickly, even the purple-haired boy couldn't catch Liu Wentian's movements, let alone the others.

They had barely begun to react when they saw the once cocky purple-haired boy suddenly crumpled on the ground, screaming and throwing up, while Liu Wentian stood upright, his face filled with mockery.

The group was as if their throats were blocked, mouths gaping wide open, yet they were utterly unable to utter a word.

"Fuck you, how dare you sneak attack me!!"

The purple-haired boy, grimacing with pain, had finally recovered a little and shouted angrily. Then, he aimed a kick at Liu Wentian's side.

In his view, he had simply been caught off guard, which allowed Liu Wentian to succeed.

His kick was fast, accurate, and ruthless, with quite a bit of technique. An ordinary person would have no chance of dodging such a strike, but unfortunately for him, he had met Liu Wentian, and an enraged Liu Wentian at that.

Hearing his curses, Liu Wentian's expression grew even colder.

He easily caught the fierce-looking kick from the purple-haired guy, sneered, and said, "So you got a big mouth, huh? Think you're tough? In my eyes, you're just trash, can't even take one hit!"

Before the purple-haired guy, whose face had turned pale, could reply, Wentian twisted his wrist with a crack, dislocating the guy's leg.


Wentian let go, and the purple-haired man fell to the ground, rolling around and clutching his leg, letting out piercing screams, sweating profusely.

"How about that, still think you're all that? Still dare to race around recklessly? Still dare to use money to insult people? I'm hitting you, do you admit defeat or not?"

When Wentian asked these questions, his cold gaze swept around, as if he ruled over all.

The group of purple-haired men's buddies shrank back, none of them had expected Wentian to be so fierce; not even the best fighter among them could stand a single move from him.

The girl called Ruanruan, with purple hair, also looked at Wentian in shock, her mouth slightly open, unable to react.

"Fuck your surrender, I'll get you back for this, you bastard!!" the purple-haired guy cursed through clenched teeth.

"Not bad, still got some backbone. I hope you can keep up that spirit, then I can have fun a bit longer. Does it hurt a lot right now? Don't worry, I'm a doctor, I'll fix your bone right away," Wentian said with a wicked smile, grabbing the purple-haired man's leg and with a snap, the bone was back in place.

As the purple-haired man felt his bone being set, the pain was reduced significantly, and thinking Wentian was afraid, he immediately started to taunt, "Don't think just because you fixed my leg, I'll let you go. I'll return the pain a hundredfold, just you wait, you poor bastard, I'll definitely kill you!!"

Wentian looked somewhat bemused, smiling, "When did I say I was going to fix your leg? I'm just planning to do it a few more times for fun, that's more amusing."

With a move of his hands and two crisp snaps, he dislocated both legs this time.


The purple-haired man screamed again, looking horrified at Wentian, who had broken his legs as if he was simply taking apart a toy and then putting it back together again, all with an indifferent expression and a smile. The purple-haired man finally felt fear.

But there were a group of buddies standing next to him, and the girl he liked; if he showed weakness now, how could he face anyone in the future!!

A cry of despair in the purple-haired man's heart; this guy said he was a doctor, but where was he a doctor? He was simply a devil who took pleasure in torturing people!!

His buddies were also stunned. Was this guy really a doctor?

Too brutal!! He heals people only to continue torturing them, he's totally insane. They all looked at Wentian with a sense of dread on their faces.

The beautiful girl called Ruanruan, who was clearly the leader of this group, stepped down from her expensive Harley motorcycle.

Then she frowned at Wentian and said, "Don't go too far. Since you're a doctor, don't you have even a bit of medical ethics? Doctors are supposed to save lives and help the injured, yet you are using your medical skills to torment people!!"

Wentian narrowed his eyes, his voice as cold and sharp as an Ice Blade, without giving any leeway, "Medical ethics? My medical ethics are that I save those who I want to save, beat those who I think deserve it, kill those who I judge should be killed. What, you have a problem with that?"

"You... "

The girl was momentarily speechless, unable to answer.

His response was far too arrogant, and his gaze was incredibly cold, chilling her to the core.

Wentian had no fondness whatsoever for this group of rich second-generation speed racers.

Liking to race wasn't the problem in itself. To look for excitement when you're young, to want to be a daredevil and stand out, that was all fine, but it shouldn't be based on endangering the safety of others.

This gang raced openly in the city, clearly showing no regard for the safety of others or maybe they were just confident in their own skills, but to Wentian, it was detestable.