Chapter 43: Very Confident

At this time, it was already working hours, but perhaps the staff of entertainment companies differ from ordinary office workers. There were still many people going in and out at the entrance, dressed glamorously, most of them strikingly handsome men and beautiful women. Some faces seemed familiar to Liu Wentian, as if he had seen them on television before.

Upon entering the building, Liu Wentian was first asked to register, then to his surprise, someone even scanned his body up and down with a device. The security was meticulous in questioning his reason for being there, no wonder Zhao Hong had said that Bai Ruguo didn't need his protection while at the company, she was very confident about security at the company for Bai Ruguo.

Liu Wentian approached the reception desk and said, "Hello, I'm here to see Miss Zhao Hong."

The pretty girl at the front desk smiled politely upon hearing his words and said, "May I ask how to address you, sir? Do you have an appointment?"