Chapter 112 Treating Illness

Uncle Zhou looked at Liu Wentian again, "Today you got lucky, but remember, don't come bothering my young miss anymore, or be careful, I'll break your damn legs!!"

"Uncle Zhou, you—!!" Han Guo was so angry her pretty face turned red, but she also knew Uncle Zhou was stubborn and would never listen to her explanations, so she could only glare at him fiercely.

"Uncle, don't mind Uncle Zhou, just give me your phone number, and remember to call me often," Han Guo said to Liu Wentian with a bit of coquetry.

Uncle Zhou's brow furrowed, and he resolved to inform the old master as soon as he got back, insisting on forbidding the young miss from having any contact with this guy. He couldn't understand what methods this guy had used to deceive the young miss to such an extent.

Liu Wentian gave Han Guo his phone number and continued, "Don't worry, I can't be bothered to argue with him!! Your illness isn't completely healed yet. When I'm able to fully treat you, I'll come looking for you."