Chapter 138 Not Enough Excuses

The elderly man couldn't find a reason to decline any longer, so he finally accepted it with a face full of gratitude, clearly very fond of Liu Wentian.

"Young man, you're really a good person. Anyone's daughter who gets to be your wife would be lucky," the old man said with a smile.

His wife, however, scrutinized Liu Wentian for a few seconds. Seeing that, although he was dressed simply, he was indeed handsome and well-built, she got an idea in her head and asked, "Young man, I'm curious if you have a girlfriend yet?"

Liu Wentian was taken aback, not understanding why she would bring this up. He shook his head and said, "Not currently."

But he added silently to himself that he probably would have one by this weekend.

Yesterday, during a phone call, he and Li Chuyue had agreed to go home together over the weekend. Liu Wentian believed that by the time they returned from Li Chuyue's home, he would have a girlfriend.