Chapter 194 Cried

"Ah!! How could there be butterflies on stage, why... why am I crying!!"

It wasn't just one person who let out a cry of surprise; subsequently, everyone snapped back to reality and looked at the scene on stage, utterly astonished. The atmosphere then erupted into commotion once again, this time the Human Sect was even more frantic than before, creating a thunderous noise that swept through the hall.

"Damn!! That's so amazing, truly amazing. It's the first time I realize that music can be performed so singularly, that like alcohol music can intoxicate, that music can let one see a story!!"

"It's absolutely miraculous, no wonder he said Fan Yiting's performance was garbage. Although it was a bit direct, compared to his, Fan Yiting's really is garbage!!"

"Exactly, what does it matter what they wear in daily life, this music can make people forget everything else. Clothes and appearances are insignificant!!"