Chapter 012: Mysterious Lecturer

"What does this mean, thinking they're really that great? Can they turn crows into phoenixes?"

"It's just a gimmick. Let's see how many students this Hanmen can get into key schools."

Many parents were somewhat furious about Hanmen's approach. Failing to register, they simply started to slander Hanmen. Some even reported it to the Education Bureau. The staff of the Education Bureau weren't foolish; with a heavy-hitter like Li Hengzhong endorsing it, they definitely wouldn't shut it down but rather consult Li Hengzhong first.

Linjiang No.1 Middle School.

In the principal's office.

The director of the Education Bureau's office personally made a trip to Li Hengzhong's office.

"Director Liu visiting me, is there an issue?" Li Hengzhong asked cheerfully.

"It's about that Hanmen Training Class," Director Liu said with a wry smile, "Recently, we've received quite a few complaints from parents. What a mess this has created."

"Complaints?" Li Hengzhong was startled, then laughed, "It might be the work of some nefarious individuals."

"Right, why would you advertise for a training class with no reputation?" Director Liu asked hurriedly.

Director Liu and Li Hengzhong had a collegial relationship, and they were quite close personally. Otherwise, Director Liu would not personally take on this matter or even consult with Li Hengzhong. Director Liu knew that Li Hengzhong was an upright and incorruptible person. Therefore, a training class valued by Li Hengzhong couldn't just be any ordinary class.

"To improve the enrollment rate of our Linjiang No.1 Middle School." Li Hengzhong laughed.

"When has Linjiang No.1 Middle School's enrollment rate not been the highest?" Director Liu frowned, "Do you still need to improve it?"

"Well, the biggest competitor is oneself." Li Hengzhong laughed, "Besides, if the enrollment rate in LJ city is improved and ranks among the top three in the province, tell me… wouldn't that be a joyful occasion?"

On hearing this, Director Liu was immediately dumbfounded: "Old Li, you aren't joking, are you?"

"Ha ha…" Li Hengzhong laughed heartily. He didn't respond directly, but left Director Liu with a significant suspense.

Director Liu took a deep breath.

Leaving Li Hengzhong's office, Director Liu remained extremely shocked and incredulous. He decided to wait and see what exactly the Hanmen Training Class was all about.

The Hanmen Training Class not only caused a major stir in schools across LJ city but also within the education department.

Li Hengzhong, although very curious about that young man named Xiao Han and eager to have a talk with him, had to give up as he didn't have any contact details. However, Li Hengzhong decided to attend a class at Hanmen Training Class in person the next day to see what was different about their teaching methods.

The media had the keenest sense of smell. The Hanmen Training Class quickly drew their attention.

The next day.

Saturday, the sun was blazing, and the temperature was very high. Thirty-six degrees.

The sun hung in the sky like a fireball, continuously roasting the earth. Even early in the morning, one could feel that fiery sensation.

Today was the first day of classes at the Hanmen Training Class. One hundred students sat neatly in a large classroom. The room had the air conditioning turned on, and two high-power units were constantly working, providing a hint of coolness to the large space.

Outside the classroom, two men in white short-sleeved shirts were guarding the door. Entry was permitted only with a Hanmen Training Class certificate. Many who tried to sneak in, including some media reporters, were stopped.

Li Hengzhong personally arrived at the scene.

The scene before him truly stunned him; at the door, numerous students and their parents hoped to register, but they were ruthlessly turned away.

"Principal Li has arrived." Someone suddenly shouted.


Everyone's eyes were fixed on Li Hengzhong.

"Principal Li, are you here to teach the kids?" someone suddenly asked.

Three media outlets quickly surrounded him.

"No, no, no!" Li Hengzhong waved his hand hastily, "I... I'm here to attend the class too."

Just then, Li Dapang shrank his neck in the crowd and hurriedly approached the two staff members, whispering a few words in their ears. Both nodded repeatedly.

Li Hengzhong walked through the crowd and into the classroom. The two guarding deities at the door did not stop him.

Li Hengzhong's appearance further convinced the parents that Hanmen was indeed under Li Hengzhong's control. Thus, they were even more eager for their children to study there.

Of course, what everyone was most interested in was probably still Hanmen's instructor.

From start to finish, the promotion revolved around one person, Li Hengzhong, and everyone knew that Li Hengzhong was merely the endorser, not the instructor. Regarding the mysterious instructor, they had never met him, nor seen him, even in promotional posters, there was just a black cartoon face.

One hundred people were sitting upright at the scene. There was a table's distance maintained between each person, with a hundred tables arranged very neatly.

Jiang Xiaoliang shamelessly took a seat next to Chen Zihan.

"Zi Han, do you think this mysterious teacher is really impressive?" Jiang Xiaoliang curiously asked.

"I don't know either!" Chen Zihan shook her head as she smiled, "But, I am full of curiosity about this teacher."

"Me too," said Jiang Xiaoliang excitedly, "I really want to see what he looks like. Most importantly, he must be a very capable person."

Not just the two of them, everyone present was filled with curiosity about this mysterious instructor.

Just as they were quietly discussing, suddenly, a man wearing black trousers and a white shirt entered from the back door. This was unexpected by everyone.

"Here he comes!" someone suddenly shouted.

Whispers swelled…

All eyes turned towards the mysterious teacher.

Media from three outlets in LJ City also turned their cameras towards this mysterious man.

However, to everyone's surprise, the mysterious teacher was wearing a black mask that aptly covered the triangular area of his eyes and nose. No one could see his true face.

He wore a friendly smile and walked from the back door to the podium with unflustered grace. His hair was flowing impeccably and he walked at a measured pace, carrying a tranquil energy as if he had a well-conceived plan in his heart.

At the podium.

Xiao Han gently placed the lecture notes on the podium. Today was his first day teaching, and in order not to cause too much of a stir and to avoid too much trouble for himself, he had decided to wear a mask while giving the lecture.

The scene was very quiet, just as he had anticipated. The only thing that surprised him was that Li Hengzhong had chosen to sit in the very last row of the classroom. However, this would not have much impact on Xiao Han.

"Students!" Xiao Han glanced over the class and said, "Today is our first lesson. In this lesson, I plan to discuss something beyond academics. Most of you here are about to face the college entrance examination, including some second-year students. I want to ask, why do you want to take the college entrance exam?"

There was a murmur in the room.

"To get into a top university."

"For a better life in the future."

"To make money."

Everyone expressed their views.

Chen Zihan stood up without hesitation: "To realize the meaning of my life, the college entrance exam is just one of the many mountains in my life. By conquering it, I earn the right to conquer the next mountain!"

Whispers swelled…

The room erupted in applause.

"Well said," Xiao Han slightly smiled and said, "Chen Zihan, tell me, where is the meaning of life?"

"I..." Chen Zihan was instantly stunned. After all, she was young, how could she understand so much about life?

"Because of ideals, because of pursuits!" Xiao Han smiled at the audience, then said, "A philosopher from Ancient Greece once said, life inherently has no meaning, but because of dreams and pursuits, life becomes meaningful. It is dreams that make people great; people are born to live for their dreams. To live is to have your own goals. Once our life goals are established, they are inseparable from firm determination. We need to maintain our determination amidst the intricate changes of society, to master our skills, and learn how to engage with others..."

The audience listened as if enchanted.

From elementary school to junior high school, from junior high school to high school.

No one had ever discussed the meaning of life with them before. No one had ever told them what dreams were.

From childhood, parents' discipline and teachers' teachings were all about 'getting high scores'. However, today, Xiao Han's speech opened everyone's hearts, making them suddenly feel as if the closed doors of their hearts had been thrown open. Their long-stifled hearts seemed to soar at that moment, flying across the blue sky, across the ocean...

"Students!" Xiao Han's voice pulled everyone out of their reverie as he spoke seriously, "Everyone must have their own dreams, and moreover, you must stick to your dreams. Otherwise, dreams will turn into illusions. Why do some people fail to realize their dreams? That's because their hearts waver and their feet do not move. Each one of us should be like a compass. The center stays constant while the feet do move."

Chen Zihan watched Xiao Han on the podium, infatuated.

It must be said, Xiao Han's speech today seemed to have opened up a new sky and world for her, as if opening a window in her heart.

"Alright, let's start the lesson," Xiao Han smiled at the audience.

All of Xiao Han's lecture notes revolved around the textbook; he did not require students to buy supplementary books. In his view, as long as one mastered the knowledge in the textbook, one could easily score high. Xiao Han's courses included only mathematics, physics, and biology.