Chapter 19: First Kiss

They say that when you press your ear against a man's back, you can hear the voice of his heart; they say that the small of the back is the closest point to a person's heart. Chen Zihan's ear was pressed against Xiao Han's back, and she could clearly hear the robust heartbeat within him. It seemed as if it was the most wonderful sound in the world; as if it was the most captivating sound in the world; as if Chen Zihan's heart was about to melt...

Soon after, Xiao Han had brought Chen Zihan to the entrance of the residential complex.

The two stood at the entrance, their eyes locked onto each other.

Chen Zihan was pinching the hem of her clothes, gently biting her red lips. Under the soft moonlight, her body emitted a pure glow. She seemed like a lotus flower that emerges immaculate from mud, so ethereal that one could only admire from afar but never desecrate.

"Zi Han, I...I should head back now," Xiao Han chuckled.

"Hmm!" Chen Zihan nodded slightly.

As Xiao Han was about to turn around and leave, suddenly, Chen Zihan threw herself into Xiao Han's arms and initiated a kiss on his lips.

Facing the sudden kiss, Xiao Han naturally would not refuse, holding Chen Zihan's tender body in his arms.

She felt an unusual sensation in her body, as if there were faint electric currents flowing through it. She indulged completely in this physical sensation, reveling in this spiritual liberation.

The two passionately kissed, their kisses wet and fervent.


Chen Zihan gasped for air, feeling as if the strength in her body had been drained. She wanted to push Xiao Han away, but found herself utterly powerless to do so. And Xiao Han, that rascal, was just taking further liberties.

"No!" Chen Zihan somehow mustered the strength and forcefully pushed Xiao Han away, her nerves rattled, "No...this isn't right, you can't do this!"

Xiao Han too was in disbelief and hastily said, "Zi Han, I... I'm sorry!"

Chen Zihan glared fiercely at Xiao Han, turned around, and rode her electric bike into the complex without looking back.

Xiao Han, drained, sat down on the lawn, his face full of guilt.


Suddenly, Xiao Han slapped himself on the face, furiously scolding: "Xiao Han, oh Xiao Han, how could you do such a disgraceful thing?"

What was done couldn't be undone, no matter how much he regretted it.

After sitting on the lawn for ten more minutes, Xiao Han got up and left.

After Chen Zihan returned to her complex, she quickly ran home.

"Zi Han, you're back?" Chen Zihan's mother came out of the room.

Chen Zihan didn't respond, but dashed into her room and quickly shut the door.

"What's with this child?" Chen Zihan's mother looked baffled.

Once inside her room, Chen Zihan sat alone on her pink bed. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes watery as she stared at the room's walls, which were adorned with little stars.

Chen Zihan sat immobile at the head of her bed, but her mind was like a storm of exploding information, constantly thinking of Xiao Han, recalling every moment just past, reliving the sensation of their kiss.

For Chen Zihan, all of it felt like a dream, like an incessantly sprouting thought, wildly taking root and sprouting in her mind...

For an eighteen-year-old girl just beginning to experience emotional awakenings, matters of romantic and sexual nature often seem filled with enchanting illusions. What Xiao Han had just done was indelibly imprinted in her mind.


The next day at school.

Xiao Han arrived early at the classroom. Chen Zihan hadn't come to class yet. Xiao Han had slept very late last night, his mind still resonating with those intense moments. Chen Zihan's elastic, smooth skin, soft as milk, lingered in his mind.

Yet, thinking of his disgraceful behavior the previous night made him feel despicable.

So Xiao Han brought Chen Zihan a cup of tiramisu and a cup of milk early this morning from the bakery. Chen Zihan had a penchant for sweets, often bringing them to school—this time, Xiao Han had chosen the most expensive bakery.

Not sure which bakery had the tastiest treats, he figured the most expensive one couldn't be wrong.

Not long after Xiao Han entered the classroom, Chen Zihan followed. Everyone was engrossed in their books; some were eating breakfast while solving practice problems. It was senior year, a crucial time, and if they didn't buckle down, the college entrance exams would soon be upon them.

"Zi Han, about last night..." Xiao Han, biting his red lips, pushed the tiramisu across the table and said, "This is for my apology."

Chen Zihan sat down and dropped her backpack, glancing at Xiao Han. A sly smile flickered in her eyes as she said, "You think a cup of tiramisu and a box of milk will buy me off?"

"Then... then what should I do?" Xiao Han asked.

"Get into the same university as me!" Chen Zihan snorted. "Only then will I forgive you!"

"Okay!" Xiao Han eagerly nodded.

At that moment, Jiang Xiaoliang entered the school and habitually walked towards Xiao Han. When he saw Xiao Han, he immediately realized that something about his own position had changed. Especially when he saw Chen Zihan smiling and chatting happily with Xiao Han, his stomach churned with jealousy.

Jiang Xiaoliang's eyes shifted, and a plan formed in his mind.

He quickly walked over to Xiao Han and sat down on his desk, his right foot stomping on it as he said, "Shoe shiner, shine my shoes!"


Suddenly, all the classmates' eyes were fixed on Xiao Han.

"Jiang Xiaoliang, what are you doing!" Chen Zihan couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Zi Han, you didn't know?" Jiang Xiaoliang chuckled, "This guy shines shoes at the park entrance at night. Hahaha..."


Not only did Jiang Xiaoliang laugh uproariously, but others also began to laugh along.

Their laughter was mocking. For many, seeing Xiao Han being bullied seemed to be an everyday occurrence. According to past practice, Xiao Han should have kept quiet or said nothing.


Suddenly, Xiao Han stood up. He coldly looked at Jiang Xiaoliang and said, "Get off my desk now!"

"Fuck, feeling brave now, huh?" Jiang Xiaoliang was suddenly yelled at by Xiao Han, especially in front of Chen Zihan, and he was not about to let it go. He rolled up his sleeves and said, "Old man, today I'll teach you a lesson, you son of a bitch!"

Jiang Xiaoliang was enraged by Xiao Han's demand to get off the desk in front of Chen Zihan.

As he spoke, Jiang Xiaoliang hastily grabbed a chair and viciously smashed it towards Xiao Han.

However, just as Jiang Xiaoliang swung it down, Xiao Han reached out and caught the chair in his hand.


The room erupted in surprise.

Jiang Xiaoliang held on to the chair with both hands, while Xiao Han casually grabbed it with one hand, the other tucked into his pocket. He looked incredibly cool and striking. The two locked eyes, Xiao Han, tall and imposing at 1.8 meters, overwhelmed Jiang Xiaoliang in stature alone. Jiang Xiaoliang gripped with all his might, but couldn't budge Xiao Han. Xiao Han easily wrested the chair from Jiang Xiaoliang's grasp, leaving him defeated.

"Last chance, get out!" Xiao Han harshly ordered.

"Fuck... your grandpa!" Unable to swallow his pride in front of Chen Zihan, Jiang Xiaoliang swung his fist at Xiao Han.


Suddenly, Xiao Han lightly tipped on his left foot, moved back, and landed a beautiful side kick. His foot struck Jiang Xiaoliang squarely in the chest. The force of the kick sent Jiang Xiaoliang flying back, crashing heavily against the desks behind him, overturning two of them before he fell down.

Jiang Xiaoliang's chest throbbed with pain, but in that moment, he was too shocked to care about the pain. He stared dumbfounded at Xiao Han, unable to believe that Xiao Han had dared to strike him. He felt like he had won a lottery.

Xiao Han walked over slowly, looked coldly at Jiang Xiaoliang, and said, "Listen well, from today onwards, you're like a dog in front of me, got it?"

Jiang Xiaoliang was about to explode with anger, but remembering that Xiao Han had almost killed him just moments ago, he shrank back.

He had lost the fight, but he couldn't lose his spirit. Grinding his teeth, Jiang Xiaoliang said, "Fine, fine, just you wait, I'll make you regret this!"

After speaking, Jiang Xiaoliang threw his backpack forcefully onto his desk.

The students in the classroom were stunned. The usually timid and weak Xiao Han had actually fought back today, and his movements were impressively swift and stylish.

"Wow, Xiao Han was so cool just now!"

"Yeah, that move looked just like he had been trained."

Many girls whispered among themselves, all swayed by a good show of strength. Xiao Han's performance today indeed had them excited, something they had never expected from the usually quiet Xiao Han.