Chapter 132: Cousin

Li Dapang led the young man behind him towards the office. The young man looked to be about twenty-four or twenty-five years old, standing at about one seventy-five in height. His appearance was rather ordinary, difficult to distinguish in a crowd. Small eyes, flat nose. After entering the store, his eyes darted around, lighting up upon seeing the Apple products.

"Fatty, your store has so many Apple products?" his cousin asked curiously.

"Mm!" Li Dapang nodded, proudly saying, "We are the first Apple authorized store in LJ city. Heh heh, we definitely have the most Apple products. No other stores!"

"Impressive," his cousin said in surprise, looking at Li Dapang. "I didn't expect you could work here and be so familiar with the leaders. That's really amazing; I had not seen it before. This time during the New Year, you definitely shone."

"Heh heh…" Li Dapang smiled smugly.