Chapter 224: Confidential

After finishing all this, Xiao Han gently exhaled a breath of turbid air.

Even if he could not take these things away, he absolutely could not leave them here any longer, he had to find a way to hide them all.

As night fell, Xiao Han drove a BMW SUV from Li Xiaoya's neighborhood to the community, then stealthily packed all the documents into the trunk. After finishing all this, he heavily sighed in relief.

Xiao Han decisively drove around in the community.

At last, he chose a spot renowned for its good feng shui—the area under a huge old locust tree in the community. It was a about fifty meters from the community office, far enough to see the lights on in the duty room. Xiao Han parked the car, turned off the engine, then took a spade from the toolbox and quickly began to dig.