At that moment, the mechanical Ark appeared above the prow of the Ark of Salvation.
"To withstand the calamity of the Epoch, the artisans of the Refining Epoch crafted the Ark of Salvation." The voice of the Ark was somber and mournful, "To better control the Ark of Salvation, they also created me.
I had witnessed the prosperity of the Refining Epoch, as well as its decline, and the fall of the Ark of Salvation.
I... as the spirit of the Ark of Salvation, was supposed to perish along with the Refining Epoch."
As a mechanical puppet created afterward, he dearly wished he had no emotions and only operated according to programming.
Yet, his creators had still endowed him with emotions.
After enduring the loneliness of several Epochs, the Ark finally met the successors of the Refining Epoch.
His mission was also supposed to end at this moment, and his life was to be concluded.