Chapter 125: Simulation - Supreme Martial Arts

Cao Jingjing began hypnotism.

Under her Taixu Wind Seal, her arms danced in the air as if caressed by a gentle breeze.

The guest only watched for three seconds before falling into a deep sleep.

Chan Yinsha personally checked, "He has entered deep sleep. Sleep quality is 100 points."

As for sleep quality, Minglun Martial Arts has a specific evaluation method, which is to judge based on the brain's activity after sleep, with a full score of 150 points.

Ordinary people's sleep scores only 60 points.

If one dreams during sleep, the quality of sleep is even poorer, and they will appear lethargic the next day.

However, this judgment can only be made by those who are in meditation, such as Chan Yinsha, Tang Zichen, or GOD himself.

After all, current technology is not very advanced.