Chapter 14 African Hyena VS Chinese Water Buffalo

"Can this be done?"

Gao Xiaoguang stuttered. Selling Young Master Zhao's car?

"What can't be done about it? It's my car now!"

Ying Yue snorted coldly, displeased, "Just do as I say. Where's all this nonsense coming from!"

"Young Master Zhao, you see..."

Gao Xiaoguang's face was the picture of misery.

"Sell it. It's Ying Yue's car now, and it has nothing to do with me anymore!"

Zhao Yang waved his hand dismissively and then, with a change of tone and a sycophantic expression, said, "Since you're selling the car, Doctor Ying, why not sell it to me? That way, you won't have to go through the trouble of transferring ownership!"

Ying Yue's eyebrows lifted, giving him a look that said 'you're quite astute': "You want to buy it? Alright, how much are you willing to pay?"

Zhao Yang raised four fingers excitedly, "Four million! I'm willing to spend four million to buy your car!"

"Little brother, are you running a fever?"

Zhao Huahua just couldn't watch any longer, her face cold, "A new car of this model costs at most 2.4 million. Are you going to spend four million on a used one?"

"Sister, that's where you're wrong!"

Zhao Yang glanced at Ying Yue and coughed dryly, "Other people's used cars, definitely aren't worth four million, but whose car is this? It's Doctor Ying's! I'm certain that in the future, the value of this car will absolutely exceed four million!"

What he actually wanted to say was that he was currying favor with Doctor Ying, but obviously, that was not something to be said out loud.

"Have you lost your mind? Why would his car appreciate in value?"

Zhao Huahua rolled her eyes irritably.

"Heh heh!"

Zhao Yang smirked and didn't explain anything. Four million was nothing if he could curry favor with a doctor like Ying Yue. What was four million in comparison?


Zhao Huahua stamped her foot in anger, giving Ying Yue a venomous glare, her face cold, "You decide for yourself. I'm not getting involved anymore. Humph, and to think I'd let such a pervert benefit!"

"Doctor Ying, that settles it joyfully. I'm buying your car!" Zhao Yang patted his chest and said with a smile.

Ying Yue naturally had no objections, "Give him the keys. Just give me the four million afterward!"

"Doctor Ying is indeed a man of quick action!"

Zhao Yang admired and then looked towards an island on Cuiping Lake, laughing, "Doctor Ying, since we've been delayed here for so long, the program on Huxin Island might have already started. Shall we go now?"

"Let's go. I indeed want to see for myself!"

"After you..."

Zhao Yang hurried to lead the way ahead, also attentively introducing the surrounding scenery, with a change in attitude so pronounced it was dumbfounding.

Walking along the path by the edge of Cuiping Lake, after a few minutes, the four of them crossed a long bridge and arrived at Huxin Island.

It was a small island rising in the middle of Cuiping Lake, about the size of three soccer fields. The architecture on the island was close to a rustic farmhouse style. One's vision was immediately filled with plots of vegetable gardens, which grew a variety of vegetables: green vegetables, lettuce, chillies, tomatoes...

Behind the vegetable gardens were fruit orchards: apple, peach, loquat, pear, grape, strawberry orchards...

Each orchard was not large, but their shapes were very much like the fruits they cultivated, with the apple orchard resembling an apple and the grapevine like a bunch of grapes.

Crafted with unique ingenuity and exquisite elegance, yet retaining the farmhouse flair, it made one linger and forget to return.

But those in the know understood that the so-called agritainment was just a front, and what truly attracted the wealthy was the beast fighting and gambling!

After passing through the orchards, the visitors arrived at the center of the island, where stood rows of rustic buildings, all bamboo huts.

At this moment, in front of one of the bamboo huts stood two bodyguards dressed in black. They were like two door deities, menacingly standing on both sides of the door.

"Halt, who goes there!"

Upon seeing Ying Yue and the other three approaching, one of the bodyguards raised his hand, "Please present your invitation!"

Zhao Yang didn't even glance at them, casually taking out an invitation from his pocket and handing it over. The bodyguard took a careful look and then respectfully said, "It turns out to be Young Master Zhao, please come in!"

Zhao Yang snorted, then with a smile full of joy, said, "After you, Doctor Ying!"

"Stop calling me doctor. It sounds awkward!"

Ying Yue grimaced and took the lead into the bamboo hut.

"Then may I have the honor of calling you Brother Ying?"

Zhao Yang's eyes darted around before he asked with a sycophantic smile.

"Suit yourself."

"Heh heh, Brother Ying!"

Zhao Yang chuckled, following closely behind.

"What a suck-up!"

Zhao Huahua rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath, extremely dissatisfied with her little brother's obsequious behavior towards Ying Yue. Of all people to suck up to, why did he have to choose the pervert who had peeped at her?

Once inside the bamboo hut and with guidance from a staff member, the four went down the stairs and eventually arrived at a spacious underground room.

To call it a basement was an understatement; it was a massive circular underground space, very extensive, about the size of a soccer field.

"Brother Ying, this is the Beast Fighting Arena located below Huxin Island!"

Zhao Yang timely explained, "The monthly beast fights on Huxin Island are held here, attracting many rich and young tycoons!"

"I see, there are indeed many!"

Ying Yue could see it clearly even without Zhao Yang's statement.

The so-called Beast Fighting Arena resembled a stadium in some ways, with the beast-fighting area in the center and seating at least 10 meters high all around.

Surrounding them were rows and rows of seats.

At that moment, the seats were filled with people, each dressed appropriately, either rich or prestigious. Yet at the moment, they were howling frenziedly, as if they were on stimulants, their eyes glued to the center of the Beast Fighting Arena where a wolf-dog and a giant wild boar were locked in a brutal fight.

"It has already started, let's hurry over!"

Seeing the wolf-dog and the giant wild boar fighting, and hearing the roars and cheers of the crowd, Zhao Yang's eyes gleamed with excitement. He could hardly contain himself as he led everyone to the frontmost seats.

"Yo, isn't that Young Master Zhao? Why are you arriving so late?"

No sooner had the four of them sat down than a somewhat frivolous voice rang out nearby: "Wow, even Miss Zhao is here, what a rare guest!"

Upon hearing this, Ying Yue couldn't help but turn his head and saw to their left, a chubby young man with a bare head, earrings in his ears, a gold chain around his neck, and a cigar in his hand, leering greedily at Zhao Huahua, his eyes unable to hide his covetousness.

Zhao Yang snorted coldly, a flash of displeasure in his eyes: "It's you, Old Three Ding!"

Zhao Huahua glanced at Old Three Ding and then ignored him altogether. She had seen too many such flies.

"Haha, Young Master Zhao, you lost over twenty million to me last time. I thought you were scared off from coming again!"

Old Three Ding taunted: "What, have you come this time aiming to redeem your loss, to win back that twenty million?"

"Rest assured! This time, I will make you lose everything!"

Zhao Yang snorted coldly again: "I hope you, Old Three Ding, won't cry when the time comes!"

"Hahaha, Young Master Zhao, you are quite humorous. But rest easy, Mr. Ding always has good luck, impossible to lose!"

Old Three Ding said with a jovial smile: "The next round is about to start, how about it?"


Zhao Yang replied coldly.

"This big-headed guy is pretty arrogant, eh!"

Ying Yue raised his eyebrows and asked in a low voice.

"His name is Ding Yixi, the third son of the boss of Yunyang Ding Real Estate, quite arrogant. Throughout Yunyang, even extending to Jiangzhou, he's the type to strut around as if he owns the place!"

Zhao Yang explained in a low voice.

"Yunyang Ding Real Estate? Doesn't seem like much, does it, compared to your Zhao Family?" Ying Yue remarked with some surprise.

"Ding Real Estate isn't much, but Old Three Ding's uncle has a deep background. Even our Zhao Family has to show some caution!"

Zhao Yang spoke softly.

Ying Yue curled his lip and paid no further attention, thinking it didn't matter who you were, just don't mess with him.

At this moment, the battle in the Beast Fighting Arena had reached a fever pitch. The giant wild boar was bulky and extremely strong, but the wolf-dog was ultimately more agile and had astonishing biting power.

Once it clamped its jaws around the boar's throat, it refused to let go, no matter how the wild boar thrashed and rammed, it wouldn't release its grip.

In the end, the boar's windpipe was crushed, and it suffocated to death.

"Haha, the wolf-dog has won!"

Once the winner was declared, the entire place erupted into chaos. Some cheered, some cursed—those who cheered had won money, and those who cursed had naturally lost money.

The whole Beast Fighting Arena descended into a state of frenzy.

"We shall now proceed to the third match!"

The announcer's voice came at just the right moment: "On the blue side, from Clam Bay, the water buffalo, and on the red side, five African hyenas from the African Savannah!"

With the announcer's voice, the small doors on both sides of the arena opened, revealing the contenders for this round.

Through the blue door came a massive and robust water buffalo with jet-black skin, weighing about 700 kilograms, and its sharp horns jutted upwards, glinting with a chilling light.

From under the red door, five small African hyenas emerged, with round bellies and bodies covered in black spots, all of them grinning, hungry for the fight.

"Ladies and gentlemen, there are only two minutes left until the next match. Please pick up your betting devices and place your bets!"

"The blue side, water buffalo to win!"

"The red side, African hyenas to win!"

The voice of the announcer reverberated throughout the arena. Everyone fell silent, their gaze shifting back and forth between the water buffalo and the African hyenas, undecided.

"Little brother, which one are you going to bet on?"

Zhao Huahua picked up her betting device and asked in a low voice. It was her first time at this kind of place; she really didn't know which to choose!

"Do you even have to ask? Of course, it's the African hyenas!"

Zhao Yang confidently declared: "Sis, African hyenas are also known as 'African second Brother', and they are masters of the Ultimate Anus Penetration Technique. Don't be fooled by the buffalo's impressive appearance. Against the African second Brother's technique, it doesn't stand a chance!"

"Then let's bet on the red side!"

Zhao Huahua felt that made sense and picked up her betting device, placing a bet of ten thousand.

"Sis, why did you only bet ten thousand? This is a sure win, you should bet more!" Zhao Yang confidently laughed, and with a few clicks, he placed a bet of five hundred thousand.

Seeing this, Zhao Huahua chided in a low voice: "Have you lost your mind, little brother? Betting five hundred thousand on a single match, what if you lose?"

"It's impossible to lose, if you don't believe me, ask Brother Ying!"

Zhao Yang was full of confidence, then turned his head and casually asked, "Brother Ying, which side have you bet on?"

Ying Yue just smiled: "Blue side."

"Brother Ying, if you bet on the water buffalo, you're bound to lose!"

Zhao Yang kindly cautioned: "Even though you only bet a thousand, when you know you'll lose, why still bet? How about this, I'll lend you five hundred thousand, and you double down on the African hyenas, what do you say?"

"No need, I think the water buffalo will win!"

Ying Yue waved his hand, declining Zhao Yang's offer.