The "Mythical Ranking", officially known as the "Global Sixth Grade Variant Strength Ranking", is compiled by the Temple of the Gods, collecting data on sixth-grade variants from around the world, and after systematic processing and expert evaluation, it is authoritatively issued!
It records the strongest, most terrifying, and most dangerous 10 individuals on Earth!!!
Generally, it is updated every six months.
However, if a super expert suddenly appears, or if an unexpected event occurs in the Mutant World, causing changes in the ranking, then the ranking will be updated in real-time.
"Based on this principle, if Ying Yue's strength were truly enough to shake the Mythical Ranking, the Mythical Ranking would definitely update for him, if not, hehe, the Mythical Ranking won't change!"
The chubby elder chuckled and said, "Words can't compare with the persuasive power of the Mythical Ranking, old pal, take a look at the Mythical Ranking before you make a decision!"