Chapter 6: The Secret of Yun Rongyue


"My suggestion is, first, to notify the Xuantian Department and have them apply pressure on Ti Country; second, we dispatch negotiators to talk with representatives from Eight Stars Company, the Sun Palace, and the government of Ti Country. The aim of the negotiation is to buy time," Xu Hui said.

Xu Hui's idea coincided with Yun Rongyue's without prior consultation.

"I agree!" Yun Rongyue said.

Li Xindao and Wei Wuxian also nodded in agreement.

Wu Changsheng said, "Then I'll handle the negotiation."

"Teacher, negotiations can be very draining, and you're advanced in age. It's best if you stay here and organize the mining operations. I'll handle the negotiations, especially since the current chaos arose because of me. It's my responsibility to resolve it," Xu Hui said.

Shen Xinle sighed and said, "I'm a professional negotiator. I should take care of it."