In the secret space where the Donghuang Bell resides, the air is filled with a thick aura of Immortal Spirit Qi, vastly different from that of the Demonic Realm. Yet beyond that, to the naked eye, it appears completely empty, with not even a hint of the Donghuang Bell's presence.
Of course, that's only what meets the unaided eye. Sun Wukong has kept his Void-Breaking Divine Eye activated all this time. Even though he hasn't pushed it to the Fourth Phase, the Void-Breaking Starry Eyes, he can still make out the faint outline of the Donghuang Bell floating in the heart of the secret space, just thirty feet above the ground.
Wisps of Chaos fog weave around the Donghuang Bell, and strands of Immortal Spirit Qi continuously gush forth from it. This scene alone reveals the extraordinary nature of the Donghuang Bell, causing Sun Wukong's eyes to sparkle with greed as he darts towards it.