Chapter 5 Zixia's Test

"Demon King? Hahaha! No way, this kind of second-rate stuff is also a Demon King? My friend, are you sure you're not mistaken?"

Li Ping'an sneered with disdain, having already forgotten his initial timidity upon arrival.

"Such arrogance!"

Li Ping'an's words seemed to have angered the female cultivator.

"I am Zixia, the twentieth generation female disciple of Qingyun Sect. You should know from my methods that I am a cultivator," she said.

"But the way you killed with one blow didn't seem human, so to determine whether you really are human, please discard your weapon, and then I will believe you!"

Zixia earnestly said.

"So after you confirm that I'm human, you won't kill me?"

"If you are human, and a good person who exorcises the Demon King, why would I kill you?"

"Fine, seeing your good looks and that you're a cultivator, I'll trust you this time."

In fact, Li Ping'an had secretly used Divine Skills: Secluded Cave to inspect Zixia beforehand, confirming that she was indeed human and her cultivation was on par with his own.

Even if they were to start fighting soon, as long as he dodged quickly, the situation would remain under his control, so he casually discarded his weapon.

With a clang, as the iron bar hit the ground, Zixia revealed a triumphant smile:

"You fool, you've fallen for my trap! Hahahaha!"

"What? You still want to kill me?"

Li Ping'an was shocked and scared, but Zixia changed from her haughty demeanor and slipped off her Taoist robe. Bathed in the dim moonlight slipping through the eaves, her slender limbs were as white as jade, like a fairy descended to the mortal world.

She deftly kicked off her cloth boots, untied her hair bun with one hand, and let her long, soft hair cascade down, covering her full bosom.

In the suddenly exposed spring scenery, Zixia was extremely enchanting, her face saturated with allure, her eyes full of seduction, and her whole body exuded charm as she approached Li Ping'an.

"You... you're not trying to seduce me, are you..."

Li Ping'an, who was somewhat confused and even a bit excited and hopeful, tentatively asked, only to be pushed to the ground by the approaching Zixia, with two Flying Swords still pointed at his vital spots.

Zixia gracefully pressed Li Ping'an's entire body beneath hers:

"Just answer a few questions honestly!"

Zixia's delicate jade hands caressed Li Ping'an's chest back and forth.

Li Ping'an, a virgin male with solid theoretical knowledge but no practical experience, couldn't handle such temptation and teasing; he lost himself and frantically nodded:

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"Am I pretty?"

"You're damn gorgeous!"

"Do you like a beautiful woman like me?"

"I like, I've liked since I was young..."


Zixia crossed her arms, grabbed her bodice, and with a swift yank upwards, she shed her bodice, leaving only a pink bellyband on her upper body, continuing to tempt.

"Now you can do what you've been wanting to do."


The beauty offering herself up made Li Ping'an somewhat panicked:

"What do you want me to do?"

Zixia shifted her legs downward, positioning them tantalizingly indecisively. The faint moonlight glimmered on her collarbone, flickering seductively.

She scoffed with contempt:

"Don't play innocent, what else could you do but those wretched things? This is your only chance, make it quick!"

Li Ping'an was bewildered as he looked at the ravishing Zixia in front of him and the Flying Sword pointed at his forehead, he was very uneasy:

"Are you... going to kill me... or... sleep with me..."

Zixia didn't waste any words. She flipped her hair and leaned her body close to Li Ping'an's face.

"Hardware Softening Master, hold on a second!"

Li Ping'an hurriedly shouted. Although he was a little lecher who had been single for eighteen years and hadn't shied away from watching adult films to learn the tricks of the trade, inheriting his ancestral skills.

But the speed of this current situation was akin to a high-speed car chase, and it all seemed too much like a conspiracy.

"So you pretentiously display the facade of an unremarkable Silver-like Spear Head?"

"Zixia, you can also see that I'm quite handsome. Not to boast, but every woman who sees me wants to claim my beauty for themselves. But if you truly want to sleep with me, at least retract the Flying Sword first..."

"You've got the looks of a rich gentleman, but you're a glib, shameless flirt, a rogue with surprisingly strong vigilance,"

Zixia said.

Li Ping'an thought to himself how the Black Myth world was incredibly dangerous, filled with demons and ghosts, as well as beauties with deceptive appearances. Being a newcomer, the slightest carelessness could lead to irrevocable doom.

Just half an hour ago, he nearly had his head snatched away by a Human-Headed Dog Demon, and now an entirely unknown beautiful woman was attempting to seduce him. He had every reason to suspect she harbored some formidable conspiracy.

Therefore, it wouldn't be too late to engage in that sort of activity once all the circumstances were clear!

"You simpleton, if I wanted to kill you, I would have done so already. Don't overthink it, just relax your body. Let what needs to be firm be firm, and what needs to be soft be soft, try your best to cooperate with me."

Zixia's voice became gentle and flirtatious.

"If you really have no interest in me, then just imagine I'm the woman you like most."

Zixia's delicate hand, which had been placed on Li Ping'an's chest, slowly began to slide downward.

"Or... forget it, I think we should start as friends first... or maybe you retract your Flying Sword first... we can talk about this later..."

After the software had hardened, suddenly, Zixia's hand stopped.

Li Ping'an felt like his body was on fire, his head covered in sweat, not daring to breathe too loudly, resigning himself to her manipulation.

But the next second, instead of the pleasant experience Li Ping'an had anticipated, Zixia's demeanor abruptly changed. She leapt up lightly, quickly redressed, and said impatiently:

"That's enough. Let's stop here."

Li Ping'an stood up from the ground, utterly baffled.

Zixia, now fully dressed, regained her previous arrogant and indifferent demeanor, with a slight flick of her hand, her two Flying Swords flew back into her Sword Box.

"Hold on, what are you actually trying to do? To continue tormenting me? I have no respect for people who leave things half-finished!"

Li Ping'an was even more puzzled, but at least he was no longer in a state of danger.

"Whatever I'll do to you depends entirely on you, not me,"

Zixia said.

"What you mean is... if I can't resist your temptation, and I develop lecherous thoughts, allowing my animal instincts to emerge, you would kill me?"

Li Ping'an analyzed seriously:

"So, you were testing me just now. If I passed your test, I would gain your trust."

"Naïve, stupid, self-proclaimed clever fool,"

Zixia turned her back to Li Ping'an, re-tying her hair bun, rearranging her attire.

"If you showed no male reaction, then I'd kill you,"

"Hold on, why is that?"

Li Ping'an asked further.

Zixia patiently explained:

"The Sect Leader ordered me and my senior brother to descend the mountain to travel, to exorcise demons and defend the Dao. My senior brother went north, and I headed east, not expecting to come here."

"The town's people at the foot of the mountain said Dog Head Peak was occupied by a Human-Headed Dog Demon claiming to be king, to ensure peace for the locals, I came to slay it."

"The beast was fairly durable and unabashed by my Divine Skills. Before you were captured, it was taken alive by him and confined in a cage, healing with its eyes closed."

"But the beast is already dead! Why then did you still test me?"

Li Ping'an did not understand and continued to inquire.