Chapter 11 The Age of Internet Celebrities

But now, with immense opportunities and incredible fortune, becoming a deity or an immortal had become possible. And with possibility came ambition.

In fact, had it been anyone else, they would have wished to become immortal and sacred, transcend the Three Realms, roam freely without limits, and no longer suffer from worldly troubles.

Because being human was far too painful!

Ordinary people not born into wealthy and powerful families hoped not to be human in their next life!

So Li Ping'an's greatest ambition at the moment was to attain the Dao and become an immortal, transcending the Three Realms!

After understanding the classifications of deities and immortals, his most urgent need and the problem to be solved was to absorb the Spiritual Essence, to channel qi into the sea, and possess Mana to cope with unknown dangers.

But just as he was about to read the "Yellow Court Classic" seriously again, his roommate Sha Sheng's scream broke the quiet atmosphere of the dormitory.

"Holy shit dude! Is this real or fucking fake?!"

Zhu Ganglie, who was watching a little adult film, immediately roared:

"You damn pansy, why the sudden barking? Keep it down! Don't disturb my learning!"

After Sha Sheng screamed, he seemed as if struck by lightning, shocked to the point of tumbling out of bed. He rushed over to Li Ping'an, pointed at the short video playing on the mobile screen, and shouted:

"You've blown up! Clown Li, you motherfucker, you've hit the hot search! Top three in trends!"


Li Ping'an turned to look at Sha Sheng:

"Sis, what the hell are you yapping about? Can't you see I'm busy? Take your freak out somewhere else!"

"Holy shit, you still don't know? Guys, come over and look!"

Zhu Ganglie and Jiang Liuer knew that Sha Sheng, who fancied himself a demure woman, usually spoke softly and effeminately, rarely using foul language or raising his voice.

Seeing him throw such a tantrum, it must certainly be something extraordinary.

They both jumped out of bed and crowded next to Sha Sheng, staring at the short video that he had scrolled to.

The content was precisely the female streamer Zhou Shufenzi asking for directions... Li Ping'an had told her, "You are doomed today, better prepare for your afterlife"... everyone apologized... Zhou Shufenzi walked out of the school gates and got hit to death by a large truck...

Zhu Ganglie, after watching, was dismissive:

"Bah! I thought it was something. It's just that female internet celebrity. You know, I didn't realize I looked so handsome with the beauty camera on."

"No way, I'm going to take some beauty shots later and really scam some chicks on the dating app. Watch and learn; they'll be so smitten."

Jiang Liuer frowned after watching the video:

"So the person mentioned by the counselor in the class group, the one who got hit to death, is really that female streamer Zhou Shufenzi!"

Zhu Ganglie was indifferent:

"So it's her. Our school is near the suburbs, and the road in front of the gate connects to the highway entrance. It's busy with cars coming and going. Didn't you see in the video that she was focused on the gifts and not looking at the traffic light when she crossed the road?"

"Getting run over is her own fault, besides, people come and go every day in this world, why the big fuss!"

Hearing this, Sha Sheng flicked Zhu Ganglie's head with his orchid-shaped fingers:

"Idiot, you really are all brawn and no brains. I have no idea how someone like you managed to get into Hehuang University!"

Jiang Liuer's face grew even tenser as he spoke in a heavy tone:

"Third Master Zhu, haven't you noticed that not long after Second Master Li said those words about dying today, the female broadcaster got hit and killed by a big truck?"

"Yes, yes!"

Sha Sheng excitedly added:

"It's just like those ancient immortals who could perform divination, foresee the future, and strategize without omission, incredibly accurate!"

"Fuck, I didn't even notice until you guys mentioned it!"

Zhu Ganglie immediately picked up his phone, opened another app, and saw that among the top trending searches was the video of Li Ping'an's prophecy about the female broadcaster Zhou Shufenzi:

"Holy shit, Clown Li, you really made it to trending! And the heat is still rising!"

Jiang Liuer also picked up his phone to verify, and indeed it was true; now, all video apps, the men's restroom Sun Xiaochuan bar compression bar, and the women's restroom certain blogs and red books were discussing this matter.

"Clown Li! Look at the comments below these videos, posts, everyone is saying you're a living immortal who can perform divination and foresee the future!"

"Of course, there are also many skeptics, and judging by the avatars, they seem to be some internet clowns!"

After reading the comments, Jiang Liuer, Zhu Ganglie, and Sha Sheng were even more shocked. The saying goes that if three people say there is a tiger, it starts to seem true, so they too began to believe the comments online, and all three shouted at the incredibly calm Li Ping'an:

"Clown Li, are you really a living immortal who can perform divination and predict the future or not? The broadcaster's death is definitely not a coincidence with your prophecy!"

People's emotions don't always connect; Li Ping'an, sitting as peacefully as if he were fishing and oblivious to anything wrong, just found them very noisy.

As for the death of the broadcaster Zhou Shufenzi, Li Ping'an had long anticipated it, thanks to Divine Skills brought from the game: Secluded Cave allowed him to see the lifespan of ordinary people at a glance.

The only slight annoyance was that when he blurted out 'you will die today,' he did not know that Zhou Shufenzi was broadcasting live at the time, which was indeed an oversight!

Li Ping'an, with his single-minded desire to attend school quietly during the day and live a good life in the game 'Black Myth: Wukong' at night, then secretly cultivate and pursue the Dao in reality, seemed to be thwarted by fate, as he was now completely exposed online!

According to Jiang Liuer, Zhu Ganglie, and Sha Sheng, he seemed to have really become famous!

Fame meant traffic, and it was possible to join some media companies for packaging into an internet sensation, then using the current popularity to sell products and make money, ensuring a comfortable life down the road.

But fame might not necessarily be good; becoming famous is like a double-edged sword, meaning wherever you go you could easily be recognized and casually disturbed by people, especially some shameless broadcasters who knew how to ride the hype and would annoy him like flies, harassing his life and affecting his cultivation.

And some skeptics would push him into the spotlight, joining with those whose lives weren't going well and who harbored dark thoughts to cyberbully him!

For others, becoming an internet celebrity might be a huge fortune, but for Li Ping'an, it was the start of a nightmare!

"Damn it! Would've been so much better if that damn female broadcaster hadn't been live. I fucking don't want to be famous!"

Li Ping'an cursed helplessly and then turned to the three dorm mates, making a shooing gesture:

"Can you three scumbags get lost?"

"You ungrateful brat, earlier you were calling me your foster father, and now you're calling me a scumbag. I've wasted a year raising you for nothing!"

The sharp-eyed Zhu Ganglie immediately noticed the strange text on Li Ping'an's computer screen:

"Holy crap! What the hell are you looking at?"

With that, the dorm room came alive with commotion again as Jiang Liuer and Sha Sheng crowded around, with Zhu Ganglie pressing down on Li Ping'an's hands, which were trying to close the laptop screen.