Chapter 23 Night Traveler

Having received a response from Li Ping'an, Zixia made her way back and, looking down at the Second and Third-in-command, questioned:

"Has anyone passed by these past few days?"


The Second-in-command hurriedly explained:

"A group of merchants came by a few days ago, about forty or fifty people, but only one returned, covered in blood and out of his mind. After telling us the truth, he killed himself."

"Three days ago, a Night Traveler arrived; he came from Mount Shu and, when passing through Wuxing Mountain County, uncovered an imperial wanted poster. He came up the mountain to kill us, but after we explained, he spared our lives."

"After a thorough conversation, it turned out he also needed to cross Wuxing Mountain to get to Chang'an. We told him about the six Demon Monsters that had come to the summit and already killed dozens of people. He said he was good at eliminating such demons and went up Five Fingers Peak alone. Then..."

Zixia furrowed her brows and pressed:

"Then what happened?"

"Then he was bewitched by those six Demons!"

At this point, all the bandits showed a look of unbearable anguish.

"He came down from Five Fingers Peak the day before yesterday. When we saw him again, he seemed like a different person, not recognizing us at all. He only ordered us to capture all the passers-by for him to take when he comes down the mountain, which will probably be in a day or two..."

"Night Traveler? What is a Night Traveler?"

The completely ignorant Li Ping'an suddenly interjected with a question.

"Poor Gang Leader, your brains must really have been scrambled by the Kunlun Three Sages!"

The Third-in-command patiently explained:

"A Night Traveler is an official, one who works under the Night Traveler's Bureau of the Imperial Court, a fifth-rank military officer tasked with capturing demons across the world. Wherever he goes, the local Official Residence must provide full support. He has the authority to execute first and report later. Have you forgotten all this?"

"Most Night Travelers originate from our Taoist sect. Even if they are not from our branch, they are from the same lineage, like brothers to us. If there truly is a Night Traveler, then I shall wait for him here. After I clarify everything with him, it won't be too late to deal with you all!"

Zixia wasn't sure if the Night Traveler they were talking about was real or not, and her actions were borne out of necessity.

She did not possess the power or the will to eradicate The Six Demons of Five Fingers Mountain alone. She speculated that if there was a Night Traveler, she could persuade him to join forces to wipe out The Six Demons, bringing peace to the locals and reaching Chang'an sooner.

"Won't you bandits lead the way and take me to rest?"

The bandits looked to Li Ping'an for guidance, to which Li Ping'an gestured towards the Third-in-command:

"You're called Blind Man, right? Find a top-quality room for my master. Make sure it's clean!"

"As you command, Gang Leader."

Guided by the Third-in-command and a few others, Zixia was led away.

With Zixia gone, the Second-in-command crept up to Li Ping'an with a smug smile:

"Gang Leader, I know your plans. You want to steady her first, and then we'll rape and kill your master tonight, right?"

"Absolutely not! Under no circumstances!"

Although like these bandits, Li Ping'an was also a shameless rogue, he had his limits when it came to actions and morals, unlike this rabble who knew only murder, looting, and pillage without any moral baseline.

"Gang Leader, the woman is gone. You can stop pretending now!"

"I'm not pretending!"

The Second-in-command looked at Li Ping'an with surprise:

"Gang Leader, you've changed. You never used to be like this. It's not just your master you're scheming against now—you'd even do it to your own father..."

Li Ping'an sheepishly rubbed his head:

"No, was I ever that much of a beast before?"

"You were. Last month when you got drunk, if it hadn't been for the brothers holding you back, you almost went after the old sow in the back yard..."

Li Ping'an, not wanting to listen to the Second-in-command's nonsense, asked directly:

"Alright, for the sake of the Gang Leader's face, can we spare my master or not?"

The Second-in-command, shamelessly fidgeting with his hands, said:

"Gang Leader, your master is so beautiful, you can restrain yourself, but the brothers can't, I'm afraid they won't be able to control themselves and do something to your master..."

"That'll be the death of you lot. You've seen what my master is capable of. Don't even think about laying a hand on her. If you anger her, I won't get involved!"

Li Ping'an quickly pointed at Cen Zhen and Cen Changqing's wife and daughter:

"If you're really that desperate, then go for those two women. You've all agreed anyway,"

"Well, that's not impossible..."

The Second-in-command was somewhat disheartened and was dissatisfied with the Gang Leader who seemed like a different person, but he then quickly asked:

"Gang Leader, you haven't fallen for your master, have you?"

"Where did that come from? My master is a good person, that's why I don't want you lot touching her..."

A blushing Li Ping'an vehemently denied it, then looked at Cen Zhen and Cen Changqing, who were frightened:

"Old Master, for your safety, you might as well wait in the camp for now. After my master and I take care of those six demons, we can cross over Five Fingers Peak together!"

Cen Zhen and Cen Changqing trembled as they pointed to the chest full of silver in front of them and boldly asked:

"Head Chief, what about this money..."

"I don't want a single coin of your money. Whoever tries to take it, I'll kill them first!"

With Li Ping'an's assurance, Cen Zhen and Cen Changqing first apologized to him, saying that their earlier provocations were only to stay alive, not to truly hurt anyone.

Li Ping'an didn't take it to heart and generously forgave them. So, the group returned to the camp, and each found a room to settle down in.

To celebrate the return of their healed Gang Leader Li Ping'an, the leader of the pack, the bandits of Wuxing Mountain killed a cow, two sheep, five fat chickens, and ten geese, opened ten jars of wine, and arranged a spread of food and fruit.

Li Ping'an treated everyone to a good meal, acting as though he were the revered Gang Leader Supreme Treasure of the Wuxing Mountain Axe Gang.

During the banquet, he expected that Zixia, with her proud disposition and now full of hatred for him, would not come to the feast, but to his surprise, Zixia was there too. However, she only ate vegetarian dishes and drank non-alcoholic wine, sitting quietly at the last table.

Although Li Ping'an kept toasting to Zixia, trying to win her favor, Zixia still ignored him as if he were a stranger, so he turned to drink and apologize to Cen Zhen and Cen Changqing.

Cen Zhen and Cen Changqing saw that although Li Ping'an was a bandit chief, he lacked the air of a bandit. His every move was bold and valiant, and he treated people with sincerity, drawing them in.

Compared to this gang of rowdy, immoral bandits shouting and bawling, the two of them were like the dim glow of rotting grass. How could they compare to Li Ping'an, the bright moon in the sky? At that moment, they completely forgave Li Ping'an and simply clinked a few glasses.

It turned out that Cen Zhen and Cen Changqing's wife and daughter were really like what the Third-in-command had previously said, resembling prostitutes and brothel sisters, constantly acting provocatively. They not only flirted shamelessly with the Wuxing Mountain bandits but even took pride in being taken advantage of and served them eagerly, eventually starting to gamble, drink, and cause a scene.

Amidst the noise of the bandits and Cen Zhen and Cen Changqing's wife and daughter, the Hall of Righteousness became increasingly smoky and muggy, and Li Ping'an and Zixia couldn't help but break out in a sweat.

"Cen Zhen and Cen Changqing, who exactly are you?"

This was Li Ping'an and Zixia's greatest puzzlement about them, something they contemplated repeatedly while eating.