Chapter 10: The Golden Monkey is Captured, The Monkeys Enter the Mountain!

Everywhere the eye could reach, the wolves scattered, their howls thunderous, soul-shaking, and spirit-snatching.

For a moment, no demon dared to meet its sharp edge; a monkey with a staff had actually scared the pack of wolves into silence, deterring them from battle.

"Hahahaha... Black Mountain Green Wolf, you're nothing more than that!"

Sun Wukong laughed loudly and charged forward again, leading the monkeys westward to break through, unstoppable like a hot knife through butter, quickly tearing open a path.

The west was the territory of the Cloud Mist Mountain Range, and once they escaped into the mountains, the monkeys could conceal their tracks with the pervasive mist and fog, evading the wolves' pursuit.

At this moment, the monkey horde had burst out of the jungle, and they were about to reach the Cloud Mist Mountain Range.


A half-meter in front of Sun Wukong, a dark shadow descended from the sky, the blade shining brightly, instantaneously aiming for his neck.

He swung his staff in defense, and after two metallic clangs, Sun Wukong was forced back by the great force, his arms trembling nonstop, and the base of his palms were cracked open with several wounds.

Damn it.

Such immense strength!

Sun Wukong's arms tingled with numbness.

Looking up, he saw the brutish-faced man wielding a knife approaching, a mocking smile on his face, "I didn't expect this monkey to have some skill, able to survive a strike from my blade, you should be proud."

Compared to before, this must be his true strength.

With his temperament, he definitely had other tricks hidden, Sun Wukong needed to be careful.

Sun Wukong made his assessments in secret and then stimulated the spiritual platform artifact seal, making his staff burst with golden light, instantly increasing its power tenfold.


With a roar, Sun Wukong swung his staff, the spiritual platform seal pushed to its limit.

This seal could only be maintained for the duration of ten breaths, meaning Sun Wukong only had one chance to attack. If he missed, the best opportunity to cover the monkeys' escape would be lost.


he could only succeed, he could not fail!

Sun Wukong's expression became extremely serious.

Bang Bang!

With a flick of his wrist, he threw two handfuls of lime powder toward the brutish-faced man.

Sun Wukong repeated his old trick, causing the brutish-faced man to miss a strike, and he took this opportunity to leap up, swinging the golden staff down on the man's head.


Just then, a flash of blade light burst forth beneath Sun Wukong, and if it weren't for his quick twist of the waist, his whole body would have been cleaved in two.

Step... Step!

Sun Wukong landed, retreating two steps, and a sharp pain shot through his waist.

Caught off guard, he had still been injured.


At that moment, the brutish man with a fierce face suddenly appeared, grinning with yellow teeth, laughing heartily as he swung the knife up, "It would be boring to cut you down with one strike, let's take an arm first!"

The brutish-faced man laughed maniacally as he swung his knife.

His laughter was cruel to the extreme.

Not like a normal human!

As the big knife was lifted, Sun Wukong, enduring the severe pain, let his staff drop heavily, and then he was sent flying high into the air by the brute force.

Below, the wolves took advantage of the moment to swarm in, rushing into the ranks of the monkeys to wreak havoc; especially those two werewolves, each time they struck, another monkey was killed. In just a few breaths, their wolf bodies were drenched in monkey blood.


Just as the two demons were slaughtering gleefully, a swooshing sound approached from above. As they hurriedly turned around, they saw a golden staff crashing down upon them.

Thud thud!

The two werewolves, being close together, were both killed by this single strike.

"You despicable creature!"

The brutish-faced man was truly enraged; he never imagined that this golden monkey would dare to ignore his attack, risking its life to kill those two werewolves—and actually succeeded.

This was a great insult!

The golden monkey landed.


He spat out a mouthful of bloody phlegm, and seeing the brutish-faced man's furious expression, Sun Wukong felt an immense sense of satisfaction.

Truly f*cking thrilling!

At this time, the monkey troop, protected by the white ape, regrouped behind him. Though weary, their eyes were exceptionally bright.

Because their king was mighty, he had slain the two starving wolves; all they needed was to take down this burly man blocking their way, and the monkey troop could safely leave this place.


It seemed like the king was injured.

It wasn't serious, was it?

The white ape and other monkeys were concerned but saw Sun Wukong turn his head and grin, saying, "Get ready, everyone. We're going to run west for our lives in a moment. There's only one chance, did you hear me?"

Without waiting for the monkeys to respond, he lifted his iron staff and charged at the brutish man, "You ugly brute, dare you take a hit from your Grandpa Sun head-on?"

Since previous attacks had failed, he still had half his spiritual charm left to use.

It was enough to open a path of escape for his monkey kind!

"What's there to fear!"

The brutish-faced man was provoked by Sun Wukong's stance and accepted the challenge, readying himself.

He was confident that with his current strength, it wasn't just about blocking the golden monkey's attack; even a counter-slash to kill was a contemptibly easy task.

Sun Wukong, too, was observing the man; seeing his overconfident demeanor, the man clearly underestimated him.

"This is good. It increases our chances of success."

Sun Wukong straightened up, positioning the iron staff in front of him, and then rushed in a straight line towards the brutish-faced man, casually lifting the staff in his hand.

Nobody noticed that under the blazing sun, tiny golden lights were appearing on the surface of the staff, emitting powerful spiritual charm fluctuations.

When the staff came crashing down.

The brutish-faced man raised his sword to block.

At the moment the sword and staff met, a powerful wave of spiritual charm erupted violently, the intertwining energies spilling out sparks that filled the sky.

The brutish-faced man widened his eyes as his sword trembled uncontrollably under the immense force of the attack; looking at his hand that gripped the sword, a bone-deep gash had split his palm open.


Sun Wukong roared, seizing the moment to unleash all the spiritual charm within him in one burst, golden light radiating fiercely, blasting the man beneath him to the south.

With this strike, he too was sent flying into mid-air by the recoil.

"Don't mind me... Run!"

With all his spiritual charm depleted and no strength left to support himself, Sun Wukong cried out with all his might, then fell to the blood-stained earth under the watchful eyes of his monkey troop.


The monkey troop finally understood Sun Wukong's intentions and cried out in sorrow.


The white ape, with tears in his eyes, made the heart-wrenching decision to look away, leading the monkey troop toward the Cloud Mist Mountain Range.

Meanwhile, in the south.

The brutish-faced man leaped out of the pit, his rough facial muscles quaking with rage, evidently furious to the extreme.

He had underestimated the golden monkey, caught off guard and suffering a great setback. If word got out from those with ulterior motives, his reputation as the third in command at Black Wind Mountain would be ruined.

"It's all because of you, you damned monkey..."

With a thunderous roar, the brutish-faced man charged with his sword, his rage reaching the heavens, foot stomping on the golden monkey's head, the ghost-face sword lifted high, shimmering with a blinding edge.

Just when the wolves thought he was about to sever the golden monkey's head, his sword hesitated and abruptly stopped.


Not just the wolves, even Sun Wukong felt bewildered.

He was so angry.

Why stop now?

Could there be another vile trick up his sleeve?


The brutish-faced man scoffed, suddenly bending down and grabbing Sun Wukong's head with one hand, lifting it up, twisting his monkey face towards the Cloud Mist Mountain Range, and said with satisfaction, "Little monkey, take a good look. Look there, right there, the direction your monkeys are escaping to..."


What happened?

The group of monkeys...

At this moment, Sun Wukong was exhausted in both body and mind; struggling to open his eyelids, he vaguely saw plumes of thick smoke and flames rising in the distance.

His heart clenched tightly.

The Cloud Mist Mountain Range.

It was on fire!