Chapter 18: Yin Hu Retreats, Breakthrough in Devouring the Pill!



"Hu San!"


"Ten years, one month, and twenty days!"

Sun Wukong arched an eyebrow, then pressed down on the tiger demon's head, speaking coldly, "Tell me, why did you attack the monkey tribe?"

The tiger demon's face turned pale, apparently more injured, "I... I was hungry!"

Good fellow!

It seems he saw the injured monkey tribe and wanted to take advantage of them!

However, being a demon, he must belong to some faction, and it was essential to inquire thoroughly.

Sun Wukong stroked his chin, "Speak! Which mountain's demon are you, what other lairs are around, and what kinds of demons occupy them?"

Feeling Sun Wukong wasn't overly concerned, the tiger demon let out a sigh of relief and hastily said, "I am the third general under General Yin, with five other generals before and behind me, all stationed around General Yin's residence. Besides being in charge of guarding the water source, I must also report back later."

"To the west of the high ridge, besides our General Yin's residence, a hundred li further west there's Eagle Sorrow Stream. A divine lord who is a dragon serpent lives there with five serpent generals and over a thousand serpents under his command."

"If you go further back, there is a Zen Temple housing a powerful demon. We dare not approach since it's strong."

The tiger demon was so proficient in his business that Sun Wukong couldn't find a single fault.

So he asked again, "What's your relationship with those black eagles in the orchard and your General Yin's residence?"

The tiger demon shook his head, complaining, "The black eagles are vicious, often kidnapping the cubs of the beasts in the high ridge. If it wasn't for their wings, our General Yin's residence would have exterminated them long ago."

The worse their relationship, the better for the monkey tribe.

The safer the monkey tribe would be.

Sun Wukong nodded, as it seemed the black eagles indeed had a habit of kidnapping wild beast cubs, "Then what about your relationship with Eagle Sorrow Stream, how is it?"

Again, the tiger demon shook his head, recalling, "Originally, we were far apart and had no conflict, but in recent years, the dragon serpent started roaming the ridges frequently and fought General Yin several times, so relations soured. Later I heard it was searching for some treasure. Despite our thorough search of the high ridges, we found nothing, so I was sent here to guard the water source."


All three parties were incompatible, which was still advantageous to the monkey tribe, at least maintaining some balance.

It was just too coincidental, though. The strengths of the three parties couldn't possibly always be equal, unless someone was scheming behind the scenes.

Thinking of this, the image of an old tortoise involuntarily emerged in Sun Wukong's mind.

This old demon conducted himself unpredictably; there might well be his shadow involved in this, and even if not the mastermind, he certainly had a part in it.

With his current status and position, his schemes must be significant.

The orchard, the high ridge, Eagle Sorrow Stream...

What exactly was there?

Sun Wukong couldn't figure it out and simply stopped thinking about it; his gaze fell on the tiger demon again, "If I let you go back, what do you think?"

The tiger demon, not expecting to keep his life, was ecstatic and quickly assured, "King Golden Monkey, rest assured, Hu San will definitely not hold a grudge. In the future, if I see you, I'll detour around and never appear before you again."

The white tiger's words and actions were so smooth and fluid, he was almost on his knees begging for mercy; it almost made one feel pity for him.

Having already offended an Eagle King and not wanting to antagonize another force, Sun Wukong hadn't initially wanted to kill the tiger demon from the start; he spared him only to learn more about the surrounding situation.

It's just good that you don't bear a grudge.

Giving the tiger demon a deep look that made his scalp tingle before withdrawing his gaze, Sun Wukong released him, restoring his freedom, "Now you may leave!"

The tiger demon was first stunned and then incredulously realized he was actually still alive and could leave.

"Thank you, Monkey King! Thank you, Monkey King!"

He bowed repeatedly, then, as if fearing Sun Wukong would change his mind, got up and ran off at breakneck speed.


The white ape suddenly rushed over, "Great King, outside..."


It's too coincidental.

He arrived just in time to bump into the others, and Sun Wukong even heard a "whoosh" sound before the tiger demon was sent flying back.

I swear, did they really kiss?

Looking at the white ape wiping its mouth, Sun Wukong's mouth twitched and said, "What's the hurry, has something else happened?"

Wiping his mouth again and again, the white ape, looking constipated and in distress, said, "Great King, a group of tiger demons has come outside; they say they're looking for this Hu San and have surrounded us."


General Yin's residence has already come knocking so quickly, which means they must have many Scouts and aren't far away.

The monkey tribe's days ahead won't be easy.

Sighing inwardly, Sun Wukong then pointed at Hu San and said, "Take him with you; let's go meet this so-called General Yin."

The white ape nodded, lifted the tiger demon with one hand, and followed behind Sun Wukong.

The tiger demon remained quiet, allowing the white ape to carry him as flashes of light shone through his tiger eyes.

And then...

"Hmmph! How dare you detain Hu San and injure him like this, clearly you do not hold me, General Yin, in your eyes."

It was General Yin's roar; Hu San's eyes reddened, and he suddenly held his head high, "Great King... save me!"

Good fellow, he's turned on us already.

Do you think General Yin's arrival will save you?

Casting a deep glance at Hu San, Sun Wukong's gaze then fell on General Yin's face and he directly spoke, "I presume you must be General Yin. Was it your instruction that Hu San provoked my monkey tribe just now?"

Taking the initiative to challenge him.

First securing the narrative for the monkey tribe.

With Sun Wukong's words out, Yin Hu's face became even more furious, seemingly about to explode into conflict with the monkey tribe. Yet, internally, he had another plan.

The monkey tribe was new and likely unfamiliar with the high ridges; if he could stir things up...

Despite General Yin's tigerish appearance, he had some cunning and had already thought of a poisonous plan against the monkey tribe.

"Great King!"

Hu San began to shout again.

Drawing attention from both sides, Sun Wukong gestured, and the white ape let him go.
