Chapter 17: Sun Wukong Falls Under a Spell, Battles Lingxu!

According to Sun Wukong's conjecture, he believed that the one whose head had been severed was none other than the Little White Dragon, and listening to his words, it was feared that he already stood in opposition to the Heavenly Court, and had even defected from Buddhism.

Furthermore, the presence of the Great Saint's spiritual essence afterwards indicated that he must have been at the scene at the time.

The situation might be dire, not only did he stand by and watch the White Dragon beheaded, but he also split off some spiritual essence and entrusted it to the care of the grey wolf, which most likely spelled more misfortune than fortune.

"Things are getting more and more complicated!"

Sun Wukong felt he was being sucked into a massive vortex, sinking deeper and deeper, and was now unable to extricate himself.

"It seems I can only see things through to the end now!"