But what they didn't know was that in front of them, this monkey, aside from his fear of the bald one, was also not one to shy away from trouble. This guy boldly asked the Chess Saint, "Of those nine... um, eight, who's the strongest?"
Zhu Ganglie immediately said, "That one, the one with white hair!"
The White Emperor frowned and gave a cold look, his eyes seeming to say, You wouldn't really choose me, would you?
Then they saw the monkey pointing at him, "Master, him!"
The White Emperor thought the other had pointed incorrectly and shifted his position, but the finger followed him, and immediately he became angry, "What an arrogant master and disciple, you really think that killing a Saber Emperor qualifies you to face me? You know not what death is!"
The Divine King of Souls also stepped forward, "Although you two are strong, to challenge the White Emperor? You should first get past me!"