Immense pain washed over him, and in less than a moment, the Little White Snake's body was covered in maggots, burrowing into his flesh and soul, devouring both.
The Little White Snake danced in the air, shaking its body violently, but the maggots clung to him determinedly, not loosening their grip at all.
Then suddenly, the Little White Snake bit its own tail, transforming into a ring; a vast and holy power manifested within him, and in an instant, all the maggots vanished, white wings returning to his body as if everything had been reset.
This was the power of Reincarnation, the power of reset; through this method, the forces of corruption and proliferation were completely eradicated.
The Little White Snake glared at the three massive Meat Clusters, fury in its eyes as if it could materialize and reduce these detestable beings to ashes, having never suffered this much pain since its birth.