Chapter 282: Establishing an Academy

Behind Lu Wenchang, the demon scholars from Confucianism couldn't help but crack smiles upon hearing these words.

Although they all adhered to their teacher's philosophy, to strive for the Demon Clan, to pass on knowledge to every monster within their ranks.

It was a great source of pride to receive recognition from the legendary Demon Emperor.

Moreover, as people of great ambition, they longed to make their mark on this land, and now that they had a place to apply their knowledge, they were naturally overjoyed.

So they had no qualms about the Demon Emperor's arrangements.

And with the addition of these individuals, all the monsters in the Demon Capital noticed the transformation within the city.

What had been a somewhat chaotic city became orderly within a matter of days.

Supplies were no longer piled up haphazardly but categorized, with dedicated personnel logging and registering them. Everyone felt the underlying order and began to regulate their own behavior.