The certainty of victory that had once seemed to be firmly grasped had vanished without a trace at this moment, forcing the Star Lord to start contemplating the next moves of the Heavenly Court.

The Demon Clan had put forth their utmost effort to carve out a glorious path for their own race, and the consequence was to put the Heavenly Court on the rack.

Ziwei Star Lord didn't know what choice the Supreme would make, but he knew that at this point, the only option was to fight to the death in search of that slim chance of survival hidden within.

So he coldly issued the command, "Beat the drums and attack, spare no expense in taking the enemy's position."

A single general's success could mean the bones of thousands dry, and Ziwei Star Lord was more aware than anyone else that at this point, mercy would only mean missing the opportunity, and he was willing to spend the lives of the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals to change the unfavorable battlefield situation.