Chapter 11: Killing the Child of Buddha by Oneself

Wukong shattered the Tathagata's Golden Body and the statue of Guanyin. After a moment, he saw wisps of white mist rise from the water, almost imperceptibly intertwined, frustrating to separate yet somehow uncuttable.

"Is this the so-called Incense Willpower?" Wukong thought to himself, rushing forward and taking a deep breath.

The Incense Willpower transformed into a long dragon and was directly inhaled by Wukong into his mouth, to the wide-eyed amazement of Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing. Wukong then theatrically wiped his mouth and laughed, "Not bad in taste!"

Before he finished speaking, he felt a sharp pain in his head, followed by a torrent of voices flooding his ears.

"Bodhisattva, I have sinned... Just yesterday, I killed my wife..."

"Bodhisattva, bless my daughter-in-law to give birth to a grandson with handle..."

"Buddha Ancestor, protect me, if there is an afterlife, I shall never commit crimes..."

"Please, Buddha Ancestor, give me strength to recover my spirit..."

These voices were relentless, like a river rushing toward the sea, booming and overwhelming, giving Wukong a splitting headache, with his ears buzzing as if millions of flies were ceaselessly fluttering around his head! At this moment, Wukong felt a pain so intense that he wished he could pry his own head open.

"Aaaargh!" Wukong roared with rage, causing the river water to surge tumultuously.

"What's happening to the Taoist Master?" Xiaoqing exclaimed in alarm.

"It is said that one must not casually absorb Incense Willpower; the slightest carelessness could lead to deviations and madness!" Bai Suzhen exclaimed with a frown.

"What should we do then?" Xiaoqing asked anxiously.

"I do not know, the Taoist Master has profound mana, he should have a way to overcome this disaster," Bai Suzhen said. "Otherwise, he wouldn't have so casually inhaled such a great amount of Incense Willpower into his belly."

Wukong sat down cross-legged, formed a hand seal, and silently recited scriptures.

"This Incense Willpower is truly formidable; had anyone else absorbed it so freely, their Primordial Spirit would surely have dissipated by now!"

Wukong didn't dare to neglect the situation and continuously recited scriptures: "Jidi Jidi, Polo Moun Jidi..."

Although Wukong had grievances with the Buddhist Sect, their scriptures were profoundly complex. As he chanted, he felt the countless mundane thoughts hidden within the Incense Willpower were instantly digested, turning into strands of smoke that nourished the Primordial Spirit, flying into his spiritual platform. The Wukong's Primordial Spirit seated within the spiritual platform slowly opened its mouth, inhaling the Incense Willpower serenely.

Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing felt relieved to see that Wukong was unharmed.

As soon as he had finished absorbing the last trace of Incense Willpower, he saw numerous cultivators and Buddhist disciples approaching from all directions.

"You two may leave. We shall meet again if fate allows," Wukong said, holding his staff and bowing to Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing.

"Taoist Master, until next time!" Xiaoqing said.

The two immediately dove into the river, transforming into two great snakes, sinking to the depths and swiftly swimming away.

Wukong announced loudly, "At Golden Mountain Temple, the monk Fa Hai blindly sought to separate a pair of lovers. Encountering such an act, I was compelled to intervene, resulting in Fa Hai boasting wildly! Therefore, I struck him down with a single spear thrust and submerged Golden Mountain Temple beneath the river. With such overbearing actions, how can the Buddhist Sect claim to have a heart of compassion?"

Wukong's voice resonated powerfully, spreading across the sky like the tolling of a great bell.

"Stop your nonsense, you fiendish Taoist! Our esteemed uncle Fa Hai did not drive apart those lovers; those women were serpent spirits!" retorted a surviving monk from Golden Mountain Temple, whom Wukong had intentionally spared.

"Little monk, I ask you, have those two serpent spirits ever harmed mortals?" Wukong said coldly.

Intimidated by his gaze, the monk dared not lie and numbly responded with two words: "No, they haven't."

Wukong continued, "Since they have not harmed mortals, nor sought personal gain with their powers, but Bai Suzhen fell in love with a mortal who didn't mind her true nature, your Uncle Fa Hai really had no place to interfere! Destiny lies in heaven's hands; isn't a demon's fate also decreed by heaven? Do you think they wished to be born as demons? Your sect's actions are overbearing yet you seek to justify them with such excuses. You deserve a beating, monk!"

Wukong used the "Lion's Roar", his voice ringing out like a large bell, striking heavily upon the monk's Primordial Spirit.

After being confronted by Wukong, the monk blushed with shame and guilt and immediately burst into tears.

The surrounding Buddhist disciples looked on with furious eyes, treating Wukong as if he were their sworn enemy.

The Taoist cultivators, on the other hand, applauded and laughed, saying, "Brother speaks too well!"

These individuals were well aware of Fa Hai's prowess, and Wukong's simplicity in dealing with him suggested a very high level of cultivation, so calling him "Brother" was indeed appropriate.

"You demon, stop spouting nonsense, this is the Eastern Divine Region; such evil beings have no place here!" a disciple of the Buddhist Sect shouted angrily.

"Ignorant baldy, your arrogance is unwarranted; this is not your Western Heavenly Buddha Land, and your wild behavior is not tolerated here!" Wukong retorted with a cold laugh.

The multitude of Buddhist disciples were immediately enraged.

Most of them were truly at the level of True Immortals or thereabouts, exceptionally formidable. Among the cultivators present, there were only a few whose cultivation exceeded that of True Immortals. Those who had come to witness the commotion were mostly the younger generation from various sects; the older generation would not likely show themselves for such matters, as figures of authority value their status and face too much and would find involvement in such a spectacle beneath them.

"Fellow Taoists, watch closely. Here, thirty-six baldies, the weakest among them at the junior immortal level, and at most at the Heavenly Immortal level! Watch as I, alone, execute them all!" Wukong boasted arrogantly.

"Blasphemous fiend!" shouted a disciple of the Buddhist Sect, swiftly forming a Dharma Seal, "Great Might Heavenly Dragon, bah mi bah mi hong!"

Instantly, the Dharmakaya of the Great Might Heavenly Dragon Bodhisattva appeared behind him, towering ten zhang tall, with feet trampling upon dragon-elephants, its majestic appearance solemn, and immensely mighty.

Wukong said, "I have heard that the Great Might Heavenly Dragon Bodhisattva is the strongest in the Western Heaven, whose strength can shake Mount Sumeru! Today, I shall see whose strength is truly more formidable."

Having said that, he took the initiative and charged forward, the Dharmakaya of the Great Might Heavenly Dragon with eyes wide in fury, threw a punch!

Wukong sidestepped, took a stride, and instead of dodging, he roared and met the punch head-on!

The Great Might Heavenly Dragon Dharma Body, ten zhang tall, threw a punch that came down like a falling building, while Wukong's fist, by comparison, was as tiny as a decorative needle.


Wukong stumbled back two steps, blood spilling from his mouth.

"Haha, haha! Good, very good! Again, come at me again!" Wukong, facing that Dharma Body, threw another punch.

The Buddhist disciple was horrified, as a single punch from the Great Might Heavenly Dragon Dharma Body carried the weight of at least a hundred and fifty or sixty thousand catties. Yet this Taoist was able to withstand it, and even launched a counterattack! This time, with bloodshot eyes, Wukong collided fiercely with the Great Might Heavenly Dragon Dharma Body.

The Dharmakaya let out an enraged roar as its hair and robes flew wildly backward.

Wukong, unmoved, inwardly chanted, "Primordial Great Strength Technique!"

The Hongmeng Purple Qi within his body slightly stirred, and the might of this punch instantly surged, possibly reaching three hundred thousand catties of force.

Famous for its strength across the world, the Great Might Heavenly Dragon was no match and was sent flying by Wukong's punch, its bones shattered and tendons snapped. Wukong then closed in with a step and delivered another punch to the forehead of the Great Might Heavenly Dragon Dharma Body! That punch splattered blood three feet and shattered the skull! Yet Wukong did not hold back, and with a horizontal swipe of his palm, the edge of his hand even carried a chilling Sword Qi!


Like tearing through a piece of fabric, the Great Might Heavenly Dragon Dharma Body was bisected at the waist by Wukong's palm and finally dissipated into nothingness.

The Buddhist disciple spat out a mouthful of fresh blood as well.

Just as the Buddhist disciples were about to surround him, Wukong instantly rushed forward, thrusting with his spear, piercing the throat of the disciple, and then, with a lift, Mana surged, and the Primordial Spirit was extinguished!

"Amitabha Buddha..." the disciple's hands came together, his eyes serene, he found his end.

Wukong's killing of this Buddhist disciple drew cheers from the Taoist Sect, while the remaining disciples all wielded their Magical Treasures to attack!

At this point, Wukong, being a High Immortal with incredibly rich experience in combat, did not consider these young members of the Buddhist Sect any threat. Darting left and right, thrusting and sweeping with his long spear, he consecutively took down twelve Buddhist disciples!

Blinded by rage, the more than thirty disciples were chaotically lashing out instead of using formations to deal with Wukong. If they had formed an array, it would not have been so easy for Wukong to kill so many.

"Is this all Tathagata taught you?" Wukong scoffed as his spear took down another Buddhist disciple.

The corpses of these disciples, like dumplings, fell one by one into the river, the river becoming the water for boiling dumplings. The water soon filled with blood. Given the extraordinary Cultivation Level of these disciples, their Essence Blood was dense and abundant, which is why such a macabre scene had unfolded.

"Who is this Taoist to be so ferocious? Why have I never heard of him?" pondered Lei Yunzi, deeply shaken, "He said he'd kill thirty-six of us by himself, I fear he was not boasting..."

Amidst his contemplation, Wukong thrust out with his spear, swift as a Poisonous Snake striking, piercing straight through another Buddhist disciple's throat.

"Amitabha Buddha..." With his dying strength, the disciple brought his hands together and fell into the river, staining another patch red.

Frightened, Lei Yunzi exclaimed, "Fiend, you have killed so many from my Buddhist Sect, quickly state your name!"

Wukong pointed his long spear at Lei Yunzi and sneered, "Listen well, little baldy, my Dharma name is—Buddha Slayer!"

With that, his figure vanished.

Lei Yunzi cried out in alarm and formed a Dharma Seal with his hands, "A thought blossoms," and immediately, a lotus made of Buddha's Light bloomed above his head. In the very next moment, a dark spear stabbed from an oblique angle!

"A thought, a world." Lei Yunzi continued with his Dharma Seal.

As Wukong's spear thrust out, Mana surged forth, only to find the spear always remained a foot away from the monk's body.

"So it's the Dharma Gate of 'A thought, a world' from the Buddhist Sect, separating him from this space. Quite a clever trick!" Wukong admitted, then abandoned Lei Yunzi and swiftly took down two more Buddhist disciples with thunderous moves.

Lei Yunzi placed his hands together, shouting, "Disciples, retreat quickly, I will stop this demon!"

He then spat out a prayer bead, fixing it in front of himself, continuously reciting scriptures as Buddha's Light burst forth.

Wukong squinted, smiled and said, "Little baldy, I've had my fill of slaughter for today. I'll leave you appetizers for another day when I'll return to kill!"

Having said that, he somersaulted away.

Lei Yunzi cursed, "Fiend, don't you flee!" He tried everything, but nothing made Wukong stay; a somersault carried him hundreds of miles away, then several more in quick succession, and he vanished without a trace.