Chapter 64: Encounter with a Demon on the Ancient Battlefield

The great seal floating above Wukong's head was what represented the Demon Tribe's destiny, The struggle on the Emperor's Path Ranking was about this destiny—the one with the most prosperous destiny would become the Green Emperor! Wukong had proclaimed a grand vow and was called upon by the mysterious forces of the Emperor's Path Ranking, which elevated his rank to first, and his destiny surpassed others significantly, giving him an early advantage.

"The competition for the Green Emperor has already begun! If I become the Green Emperor one day, I will ensure complete freedom for the Demon Tribe!" Wukong exclaimed in a voice that boomed like a great bell, echoing thousands of miles, and transformed into a stream of light that shot into the sky, disappearing into the unknown.

Below, the gathering of demons knelt in homage, shouting long live and praising freedom.

A list hung above the void, bearing Wukong's name.