CH : 12 Escaping from Hugh School again

"Okay!" Grace glanced at the 2nd Degree Protective Garment, with no objection. The main effort to kill the L1 zombie was Ethan and Draugr, also Grace did not want to clash with Ethan over the 2nd Degree Protective Garment.

Ethan opened a white treasure box, a white light flashed, the white treasure box soon disappeared leaving nothing behind.

"My luck stat is currently on vacation. This treasure box actually has nothing?" Ethan frowned, and quietly thought.

Ethan did not hesitate to open another white treasure box, a light flashing, an Imitation Tang Sword appeared in front of him.

Grace saw the Imitation Tang Sword, her eyes flashed with a hint of desire, took the sword in hand, loving the sword and not letting it go: "This Imitation Tang Sword, I want it!"

Grace has long envied the Imitation Tang Sword in Ethan's hand, if she had the right weapon, she would not have been that helpless against the L1 zombie.

"Good!"! Ethan had no objection. Grace with that exquisite swordsmanship, and Imitation Tang Sword in hand, will increase her battle potential at least doubled.

Grace caress the hand of the sword, sees the Survival Coins but did not look at the survival skills book one:

"I just want this Imitation Tang Sword, others are owned by You."

– "Okay!"

Ethan put his items into the backpack, and promptly switched to the 2nd Degree Protective Garment.

"We are here!" The school bus stopped at the girl's dormitory, Luna shouted.

"Let's go!" Ethan without any hesitation, and with Draugr rushed out of the open door.

Ethan just got off, in front of the dormitory was over 20 zombies heading their way.

Draugr led the way, holding the axe like a whirlwind rushed into the group of zombies, axe flying, a zombie head flew high, none of the zombies were a match for Draugr.

After Ethan put on the 2nd Degree Protective Garment, his stats are comparable to Draugr, he also immediately rushed into the fray of zombies.

Joining the fray, Ethan was sprinting like a ghost in the midst of a zombie swarm, with a wave of his hand, cutting off a zombie head.

"So amazing! He is so much stronger than yesterday." Inside the school bus, Luna watched Ethan, full of surprised thoughts.

"When will I be able to become as strong as him?"

William sees one man, one skeleton fighting amidst the group of zombies, seeing Ethan beheaded a zombie, his eyes full of envy.

Grace soon joined the fray, the more than 20 zombies that occupied the front of the girl's dormitory were soon annihilated by the trio.

"Luke, where are you, it's me Ethan!" Slaying all the zombies in front of the girl's dormitory, Ethan loudly shouted.

Inside dorm 206 of the girl's dormitory, a tall and very handsome looking guy heard Ethan's word, his eyes lit up, briskly rushed towards the window and loudly shouted: "Ethan, I am in dorm 206."

"Grace, I leave this place to you." Ethan said the sentence, then rushed into the girl's dormitory with Draugr.

The sound from the school bus was very loud, the surrounding zombies were attracted to it. If no one stay to protect the bus, it would soon be surrounded by zombies.

After leaving Grace, Ethan and Draugr quickly rushed towards the stairs.

Killing 6 zombies that blocked their way, Ethan and Draugr rushed up the stairs to the 2nd floor.

Just at this moment, a diminutive, blue-gray skin zombie like a ghost rushed toward Ethan, a claw aiming for his body.

Ethan uses all his power to jump back, then rolls down the stairs.

"So fast!" Ethan quickly stood up, filled with fear. The zombie speed was much faster compared to him before he put on the 2nd Degree Protective Garment. The zombie speed is too fast, if he did not wear the 2nd Degree Protective Garment, he wouldn't be able to react in time.

"Speed Evolved Infected Being S1 Level 2. It has frightening speed. Skill Viral Infection, the infection can turn life forms into infected beings.

A strike that forces Ethan to retreat, the ghost-like S1 zombie soon becomes entangled with Draugr.

The S1 zombie is very fast, a claw gripping Draugr body, removing a piece of bone from Draugr body.

The body of Draugr is made from bones, with no armour covering the body, the bones can be easily removed.

Draugr left hand swinging the axe, but it did not cut that extremely fast S1 zombie.

Ethan quickly shot toward the zombie like a fast arrow.

After several steps Ethan was standing in front of the S1 zombie, a sword with a cold light slashing toward the zombie.

The S1 moved its body slightly to the right, evaded Ethan's killing strike, then swung a vicious claw toward Ethan.

A light flashing in Ethan's eyes, ruthlessly kicks the zombie in the body, sending the zombie flying a few yards away.

Draugr took the opportunity and stepped forward, an axe swinging toward the zombie.

The S1 zombie, as if a monkey, quickly twisted its body, evading the strike from Draugr.

Ethan took the opportunity to cut the S1 zombie.

The zombie was in mid-air, unable to dodge, Ethan's sword cut off the zombie's head, foul blood splattering everywhere.

After decapitating the zombie, Ethan was out of breath. if he did not have the protection from the 2nd Degree Protective Garment, when fighting the S1 zombie he would have gotten infected.

After killing the S1 zombie, a white ball of light flew from the zombie body into Ethan's body.

While on the ground a skill book and 2 treasure chests dropped.

"You have been promoted to level 9, please assign the 2 stats points."

After the while ball of light went into his body, that sweet message sounded in his head.

"Distribute 1 point to Agility, 1 point to Stamina." Ethan quickly distributed.

"Level 2 Skill Book, Shadow Steps! After activating Shadow Steps, within 30 seconds, Agility +30. Using this skill will consume 15 Stamina points. Cool down time, none.

Ethan without any hesitation, "This skill is very suitable for me!", with this thought in his mind, the skill book soon turned into black light and enter his body. The black light condensed in his body becoming like lingering smoke that resembled a rune.

Ethan put the remaining 2 white treasure boxes into his backpack, and continued to rush up to the 2nd floor.

Zhong Hai University is a first rate university, the students dorms are the standard 4 rooms. Each floor with 10 dorms. The number of zombies on each floor is not many, and soon was cleared up by Ethan and Draugr.

"Luke, I'm here, open the door!" Ethan after killing the zombies, went to the dorm 206 and shouted inside.

Soon, the dormitory's door opened wide, Luke holding the novice staff quickly walked out.

"Ethan, buddy, you've managed to avoid becoming one of them!"

Ethan watched Luke, a slight smile on his face, take a step forward and punch Luke in the shoulder.

Luke, with a handsome face and trace of a smile, looked at Ethan:

"Ethan buddy, thank you very much!"

"It's Ethan Chan? Long time no see, I'm Maria, do you remember me? Just then from inside the dormitory, a pretty girl with long black hair and an oval face walked out with an athletic figure. With laughter towards Ethan.

Ethan looked at Maria, softly said: "Maria, hello!"

Luke is handsome, very studious, is also very athletic, and was pursued by many girls in high school. According to OG Ethan's knowledge, Luke once had 10 girls confess to him, and 2 girls pursuing him went from Lei Jiang city to the university. Maria was one of those 2 girls.

Even after entering college, Luke's popularity with girls did not decrease. But being long time friends with Luke, Ethan knows that Luke did not like any girls at his side.

Soon from the dormitory 5 girls came out.

"Let's go! This is no place to talk!" Ethan said this, then immediately rushed downstairs.

Luke took up the rear guard to protect the 6 girls.

Ethan and Draugr quickly rushed downstairs and saw in front of the school bus, was Grace struggling to kill all the zombies that attempted to get close to the school bus. More than 10 zombies were killed by her Imitation Tang Sword.

But more zombies kept coming over, giving people a sense of hopelessness.

With the advancing zombies, under pressure, Grace killed the zombies while constantly retreating, trying to buy time.

Ethan seeing this, together with Draugr, rushed forward to kill the zombies that were approaching, temporarily stopping the advancing zombies while opening the path to the bus.

Luke along with the 6 girls quickly rushed into the school bus.

"We are good! Ethan!" After everyone got on the school bus, Luke immediately shouted toward Ethan.

"Retreat!" Ethan looked over at Grace and said. Then with Draugr quickly rushed toward the school bus.

Grace conveniently decapitated another zombie, then immediately rushed to the school bus.

Luna quickly started the school bus and accelerated out the campus.

On the street, the school bus continuously runs over the zombies, sending some of them flying, causing the school bus to constantly shake.

"Where are we going?" Sitting in the driver seat, Luna stared ahead and asked Ethan.

Ethan quickly replied: "Go to the Lake District's gas station."

Ethan looked over at Luke and asked: "Luke, what level are you?"

The Eyes of Perception can discern information of monsters up to 5 levels higher, but can not see human information.

Luke immediately replied: "Level 4!"

Ethan took out the level 1 skill book Overwhelming Power and threw it to Luke: "Take a look at the skill book and see if you can use it or not."

Luke took the skill book and glanced at it, then threw it back to Ethan: "Not suitable for me!"

Ethan took the 1st Degree Protective Garment and threw it to Luke: "Put on this Protective Garment."

Items that dropped from the zombies are adaptable, it can automatically transform to suit the wearer's body.

Luke quickly put on the 1st Degree Protective Garment that was previously worn by Ethan, his increase in strength was not small.

At the time that Luke was putting on the protective garment, Ethan quickly opened up the 2 white treasure boxes. One of the boxes released a white light and then disappeared. Out of the other box came a silver shield.

"1st Degree White Shield, able to withstand the attack of monsters level 15 and below. Strength +2 +5 Endurance. Durability 20/20."

Ethan grabbed the shield and waved it around a couple times, finding that it was not heavy, weighing only a few pounds, as a defensive weapon.

"Hey Luke, give this shield a try and let me know if it works for you."

Ethan threw the shield to Luke. Ethan has 2nd Degree Protective Garment, so he did not need the shield. Neither was he the type of guy who ever played as a tank. 

Luke accepted the shield, and did not say anything. He is not a man of many words, but he is Ethan's most trusted best friend. When they were young, Luke and Ethan holding iron bars once fought with 8 well known hoodlums. That experience is the most dangerous fighting of their life. If the cops did not arrive quickly, they would have been dead.

Ethan took a look at the 6 girls, and asked Luke in a low voice: "Is one of them your girlfriend?"

Ethan asked Luke softly, but the 6 girls that accompanied Luke, pricked up their ears to listen.

Of the 6 girls, the faces of Maria and Bella were most pretty and graceful. The 2 of them were the ones pursuing Luke.

Luke firmly said: "No!"

If he didn't like it, he didn't like it. He was always clear about his feelings.

Hearing what Luke said, the 6 girl's eyes were gloomy.

The school bus speeding forward, hitting countless zombies, soon arrived at the Lake District gas station.

At this moment in the gas station, there were no other vehicles, only a few zombies wandering around.

Ethan and his party quickly got off the school bus, and cleared the zombies around the gas station.

After putting on the protective garment. Luke holding his novice staff on one hand, and the shield on the other hand, very calm and careful, started killing the zombies.

After filling up, Ethan and his party quickly got back on the bus.

"Where are we going next? Luna after starting the school bus, running over some zombies, asked Ethan.

Ethan quickly replied:

"Jin Hu road! Garden District.

The school bus ran over countless zombies and finally arrived at Jin Hu road.

Jin Hu road is an extremely busy road, with a lot of zombies now occupying it. The school bus just entered Jin Hu road, when countless zombies quickly poured over.

Whenever there was a collision, the zombies were sent flying, but in that group of zombies, there were 3 zombies that suddenly leapt on top of the school bus.

"S1 zombie, this place have 3 S1 zombies."

Ethan was shaken up, and loudly shouted: 

"Everyone be careful!"

Ethan just having said this, with a huge bang, in an instant school bus windows were shattered, 3 cyan figures leapt in the window.

"Shadow Steps, activate!" In that moment that the windows shattered, Ethan's eyes flashed with a light, activated the Shadow Steps skill, pressed down on his feet, a ghost-like zombie head appeared before Ethan, with one slash cut off the head of the S1 zombie.

The 2 other S1 zombies also enter through the broken windows, one zombie lunging towards Luna, while the other zombie heading directly towards the group of girls.

Grace, who had been sitting beside Luna when the S1 zombies broke through the windows, had activated her skill High Speed. Then, a sword slash with a mysterious trajectory cut into the S1 zombie's body, completely cutting it into 2, causing foul blood to be splattered.

The last S1 zombie jumped into the group of girls, immediately causing a huge panic. The 6 girls were wailing and trying to escape to the surrounding area.

The S1 zombie opened its hand and caught a petite girl, then opened its mouth and bit the girl in the neck.

"Ah! ! ! Save me! Help me!"

The girl's eyes were filled with fear, sending out a shrill, screaming sound.

The rest of the girls, upon seeing the S1 zombie, all fled and hid and had now let out screams of fear.

The S1 zombie, after biting the girl it caught, moved like lightning, pouncing towards a cute, small girl with a round face.

"Help me! Help me!" The round-faced girl now screaming in fear, frantically tried to escape the cramped bus.

All the other girls retreated away from the round-faced girl; only Luke with a calm face holding the novice staff was ready to take on the S1 zombie.

The S1 zombie, seeing Luke charging forward, released the round-faced girl. The zombie pounced at Luke as if it were a cheetah, with a claw swiping at Luke's head.

The S1 zombie's speed was too fast; Luke's level was too low, it was impossible to avoid the attack of the S1 zombie. His eyes flashed with a cold light; he swung the novice staff, smashing it against the zombie's body.

Seeing that Luke would be caught, a shadow flashed by, a sword filled with a cold light slashed at the zombie's head. One slash, decapitating the head and sending it flying with blood, splattering.