CH : 17 Cold Truth, Spreating, Farming For Others

Nina pouting, stared at Luna, Grace, and Julia

Feeling resentment, she got off and ran toward the small supermarket. She also knows that now isn't the time to disobey Ethan.

"Everyone, come help transport the supplies! Right now we are like a rope twisted together, we must closely unite and work hard in order to survive." Zhao was trying to persuade his people on the bus. Then with his team of five people, got off the bus and joined the ranks of those transporting the supplies.

Under the leadership of Daisy and Zhao, the rest of the girls in the bus hesitated, eventually got off the bus, and joined the ranks of those transporting the supplies.

Ethan told Luke to stay on the bus and guard the firearms, while he got off the bus to keep watch.

"Amazing!" Zhao while transporting the supplies took a glance at Draugr, and filled his heart with shock.

Seeing Draugr wielding his axe killing dozens of zombies, each swing killing a zombie, not one zombie could withstand Draugr strike.

"If I have this ability it would be great." After seeing that Draugr power was beyond the average human, Zhao's eyes flashed with a burning desire.

To become Yun Hua Student Union President, Zhao is not a stupid man. He is very clear that the world has changed, and only gaining power can one survive this post apocalyptic world. In order to get stronger, he needed to risk his life and fight the zombies. However, he did not have the courage.

Under the efforts of all the people, most of the supplies in the small supermarket were moved on to the school bus.

"Drive home!" On the school bus, Ethan said to Luna.

Luna started the school bus and immediately drove away.

All the way without incident, they safely returned to Luna's apartment.

After all the supplies were transported to Luna's apartment, under her arrangements they began to eat.

The various firearms and ammunition that they brought back were stored in Ethan's room, and was guarded by Draugr.

Zhao, holding a can of noodles, sat down beside Ethan, with an earnest face asked: "Ethan, the next step, what's your plan? Now head to Long Hai City enclave?"

Zhao learned about Long Hai City enclave from the other people.

Listening to the words of Zhao, all the survivors in the room look at Ethan, their eyes full of hope. Most people are eager to go to the Long Hai City enclave formed by the government, rather than staying in a place where zombies are everywhere.

Ethan after eating an Apple of Vitality, lightly said: "No!" I would like to stay in Lei Jiang City for some time."

"How can you be like this? Because of you, the rest of us have to stay with you in Lei Jiang City, which is full of zombies? Why don't we have a show of hands? According to democracy, the vote is to stay in Lei Jiang City or go to Long Hai City. Agree to stay in Lei Jiang City, raise your hand!" The guy with glasses, who looks very handsome, and capable. Who follows Zhao and the girl Manni, said with dissatisfaction, and was the first to raise his hand.

For a short moment, there was silence in the room. Besides Luna, Grace, Julia, William, Luke, Maya, Olivia, and Ava, Daisy and Nina

the rest of the people raised their hands. Few people were willing to stay there.

Seeing so many people raising their hands in response to the proposal, Manni with a look of satisfaction said to Ethan: "More than half agreed to leave at once. Proposal approved."

"Good!" Ethan nodded.

Seeing Ethan nodded, those people who raised their hands were relieved, but Ethan's next sentence caused their hearts to fall from heaven to hell.

Ethan looked at the eyes of the others, then lightly said: "You people can leave now! I'm not stopping you. You can bring five days of supplies with you."

Ethan had saved these people because he had promised to save them, but to them it was not enough. In peacetime, when you save people they will turn around and blame you, not to mention in this post apocalyptic world. He also did not want to take a bunch of people that harbor dissent towards him and struggled with them in this post apocalyptic world. Even though he saved them, they turned around and accused him of being selfish because he wanted to do his things.

Listening to Ethan's words, the others turned very pale.

The outside world is full of zombies, they are just ordinary people that have not been strengthened, so even taking a step forward is difficult. Procuring supplies was even harder.

Zhao stepped forward to Manni's rescue: "Ethan, enough joking. Manni didn't mean any harm, she just wants you to listen to everyone's opinion."

"I'm not joking. I take this opportunity to tell you clearly." Ethan looked at everyone, with a serious expression said: "Whoever wants to leave, I will not stop you. You can take five days of supplies, then leave and fend for yourself. If you want to stay, the guys must obey my commands to join and fight zombies. While the girls must do the logistical work, such as transporting supplies, cooking, cleaning and so on. The girls would need to fight when necessary. This team does not need people that do not contribute."

Ethan then lightly said: "I have cleared the zombies in this building, if you choose to leave, you can choose a room to stay in. But I will say this clearly, I have done what I can for you. If in the future you do not have supplies, do not ask me, as I will not give any to you."

A pretty and petite girl named Leah frowned, and said to Ethan: "Is it not a man's duty to protect women? You are too petty, and do not act like a man. Haven't you heard of the phrase, "with great power comes great responsibility?"

Leah is an only child, is pretty, and pampered from childhood. She had more courage at this time as she was in a safe place.

Ethan looked at Leah, lightly said: "Let me ask you, many refugees in Africa have nothing to eat, is that not sad?"

Leah blankly said: "It is sad!"

Ethan, looking at Leah, continues to ask: "They are so poor, why don't you sell your family's assets and donate to them? In the past, if you just sold all your family's possessions and donated it, you could save the lives of hundreds, or even thousands of African refugees. You have the ability to save them, but refuse to help, then what is that call? You spent hundreds of dollars on a bottle of cosmetics, which can buy how many kilograms of rice, and fill the stomachs of how many African refugees, so why do you not save them?"

"Let's just talk about the countryside and not some place far away; there are still many people that can not read because of a lack of money for school. Since you are so noble, why don't you donate half of your living expenses to help them? Perhaps your dinner can help pay for a student to learn to read."

Leah was not mentally prepared, so she was speechless when asked a series of questions by Ethan.

Ethan lightly said: "After all, you are but a hypocrite. If you can not do it, what right do you have to force someone else to do it? I admit that I can not do that, I'm just an ordinary guy, and I'm not great enough to sell all that I have to save some stranger. Before this, you and I were just strangers. After saving you, what right do you have to demand that I protect you? You can find someone that will dedicate themselves to protecting you guys, I'm sorry, that is not me.

As they say "With great powers comes no accountability. I can go anywhere and take anything I like"

Leah was silent, Ethan's attitude was very clear and without room to manoeuvre. While she could not refute Ethan's reasoning.

Zhao thought for a moment, then looked at Ethan and asked: "Ethan, could you please give us some firearms and ammunition? As long as you give us some firearms and ammunition, we can fend for ourselves."

Julia gave Zhao a contemptuous look: "You really have thick skin. We had to risk our lives to get those firearms and ammunition, why should we give them to you."

Zhao did not say anything else, and just stared at her.

Ethan outright refused: "No way! I can not give you firearms and ammunition."

"Without firearms and ammunition, how could we survive out there? You are just going to let us die?" Lucas, the guy wearing glasses beside Zhao Zhen said.

Ethan in a deep voice said: "Killing zombies can give you experience. I've already told you. As long as you have the courage to fight the zombies, you will gain experience and get stronger and using a firearm does not give you exp. That is all I will say. I ask that you make your choice immediately: stay, or leave."

Leah, Manni, and two other students looked at Zhao. Rather than believing in Ethan, who saved their lives, they were more willing to believe Zhao as they were friends.

Zhao with a determined face, quickly stood up, looked around, and very passionately said: "Ethan, thank you for saving me. However, I cannot agree with your idea; men should protect women by nature. Everyone, I will leave as soon as possible, and go to Long Hai City. If any of you want to come with me, then I promise you, I will risk my life to protect you. I will not give up on anyone and bring all of you safely to Long Hai City."

A lot of the girls had a strange light in their eyes. To them, Zhao was a true man with his inspirational words, handsomeness, and being the Student Council President.

The 12 girls of the girl's dormitory soon split into two halves, six girls chose to stay with Ethan. While six girls wanted to leave with Zhao. Those girls were reluctant to stay there another day. Ethan compared to Zhao did not speak as well and was not a gentleman. It has not been long since the end of the world, the girl's naivety has not been changed by the cruel world yet.

After collecting the supplies for five days, Zhao took his team and left.

"Why did you not leave?" Ethan looked at Leah with curiosity and asked. Leah was one of the girls that questioned him; he thought she would follow Zhao and leave too.

Leah looked at Ethan and said: "If Zhao had the courage to fight the zombies, at this time he would not be here. They have no weapons, and have no power, following them is like looking for death. Only those naive girls would be persuaded by his sweet words and trust his fake promises."

Ethan quickly said: "Okay, now Luna, Julia, William, Maya, Olivia , and Ava, you all come with me. The rest stay here, and listen to Luke's order."

Nina worried asked, "Where are you going? "

"Yes, Ethan, where are we going?" Olivia also nervously asked. She did not want to leave the safety of the house.

Ethan replied: "To help you get stronger!"

It is already afternoon, Ethan didn't want to waste any time. He guessed that the zombies are somehow evolving or stronger zombies are spawning and getting stronger, so he didn't want to waste too much time.

Hearing Ethan's words, that he would help everyone gain experience to advance to the next level, all their eyes lit up.

At this time almost all of them want to advance to the next level. To become strong like Ethan, Grace, and Luke. So that they can survive and live easier in this world.

Nina, extremely excited, said: "I want to go!"

Other girls also loudly said: "I want to go too! Ethan, take me to get stronger!"

"Quiet!" Ethan shouted and frowned.

The girls immediately fell silent.

Ethan surveyed all the women, in a deep voice said: "There is no problem if you want to come. However, I alone can not protect so many people, so when something unforeseen happens, I will not be responsible."

The rest of the girls were silent, they were well aware of the dangers when fighting zombies. Without Ethan's protection, they would die, let alone advancing to the next level.

With the plan set, Ethan brought the others downstairs and to the school bus.

"Where do we go?" Luna asked Ethan.

Ethan thought for a moment and said: "Nebula Avenue, the number of zombies there should be low."

Nebula Avenue is a commercial street, but it did not prosper. So the surrounding buildings are old, run down, and deserted.

When the school bus arrived at the area, they saw only a little more than 10 zombies lurking in the street. The streets were littered with wreckage of vehicles that crashed into the guardrail.

"Jul, get off!"

When the school bus stopped, Ethan and Draugr jumped out of the bus. Julia had faith in Ethan; Ethan words had hardly faded, when she also got down.

Olivia with jealousy in her eyes, looked at Julia, and thought: 'Ethan is really good to this little girl. What is their relationship?'

In this post-apocalyptic world, there were dangers everywhere. Without the protection of someone strong, it would be difficult to survive for someone weak like her. Olivia seeing that Ethan was focused on Julia, she became jealous.

Being attracted by the sound of the school bus's engine, the zombies on the street staggered over.

Ethan ordered Draugr: "Go and cut off their limbs for me!"

Having received Ethan's order, Draugr rushed forward with his axe, like a cyclone cutting the zombies.

After getting the skill Reinforced Bones, Draugr had become very powerful. Normal zombies were no longer able to pull out the bones of Draugr. It was now more than twice as strong as an ordinary man, so slaying ordinary zombies had become really easy. Before long, more than 10 zombies had their limbs cut off, and fell to the ground.

Ethan handed the 1st Degree Protective Garment to Julia and said: "Go! Cut the heads of those zombies, you will be able to be able to gain experience. This is a protective garment so put it on!"

Julia took the piece of protective garment and sensing its properties, in her heart, felt braver and said: "Great!"

"I have to change my clothes, can you turn around?" Julia looked at Ethan with puppy eyes. She felt very embarrassed if Ethan saw her change her clothes.

Ethan, staring at Julia, seriously asked: "You know it is very dangerous. If I don't see you, and while you are changing your clothes, something bad may happen. We don't know what kind of abilities the evolved zombies will have. Are you sure you want to let me look away? Can't you just put this protective garment over your clothes?"