CH : 21 Love Confession while stuck in bed

William sped all the way, quickly returned to the neighbourhood.

Noticing William below, the girls in the room flooded out and went down.

Seeing Ethan, Grace, and Luke covered in blood; the girls were in disbelief. In particular Ethan, they could not think of anything that could have injured him so severely.

Especially when he can fight in a swarm of zombies like it was nothing and he had his summon with him who's even stronger than him.

After arriving below, Julia looked at Ethan's face, which was frowning and full of blood. Her eyes were suddenly misty and full of distress, put her hands on Ethan's body: "Big brother Ethan, how did you get hurt so badly? You wait, I will heal you right now! "

After resting all morning, Julia had restored some MP.

"No! Immediately treats Luke!! Cough Cough! I can still hold on." Holding Julia's hands, Ethan coughed up some blood and adamantly said.

Luna rushed in front of Ethan, and softly pleated: "Ethan, first save Grace! Please, save Grace first! Her injuries are too serious."

The Hunter's power was far superior to that of the L1 or S1 zombies. With just a strike, both Grace and Luke were seriously hurt. If they do not receive timely treatment, both of them will die.

"Julia, I will kneel here, I beg you, help Grace!" Luna held Julia's pants, crying on her knees in front of Julia and pleaded.

Grace had risked her life to come to the girl's dormitory to save Luna, showing how close their relationship was. Luna would also make a great effort for Grace.

Julia was suddenly perplexed, and looked at Ethan.

Ethan wiped his bloody mouth, gasped and said: "Can you please stop and let me handle it" Ethan said while glaring at Luna as this was the third time she behaved like this in the middle of a serious situation.

After falling more from moving Ethan sighs and speaks again, "Jul after you heal Luke once with your skill, then heal Grace with it. Quickly!"

Between Ethan's words, Draugr caught Luna's hands, and pulled her away from Julia.

After Luna was grabbed by Draugr, she cried to Ethan and pleaded: "Please, Ethan! Save Grace!! Afterwards, I will listen to whatever you say! I beg you, help Grace!"

Julia has the ability to heal, but her spirit was too low. The recovery so far from the morning only allowed her to use the skill once, maybe able to save one person.

Julia by Luke's side, activated her Minor Injury Healing. Releasing two white lights into Luke's body, and soon his pale face had a hint of color.

"Thank you!" Julia, who was by Luke, thanked Julia.

Julia lightly nodded, with a weary face, looking at Ethan. With some distressed, glanced at Grace and said: "Big brother Ethan, I don't have enough MP, and can not activate the skill to save Grace sister."

Hearing the words of Julia, Luna's eyes flashed with despair. Her face Ashen, in desperation, couldn't help crying and cursed loudly: "Ethan, you bastard! You bastard, I won't let you go! [Whimpering]!! Bastard, why didn't you save Grace? Why is that?"

"Why don't you just shut up and let me handle this!" Ethan snapped. Olivia, noticing a moment of opportunity amidst the chaos, seized her chance to get closer to him—or perhaps to catch his attention. With swift and calculated movement, she closed the distance. Her size and quick thinking allowed her to easily subdue Luna, placing a firm hand over her mouth to silence her protests.

"At last, peace and quiet. Thanks Olivia, Jul come here, wear this Protective Garment! Go heal her!" Ethan endured the pain of the broken bones, took off the 2nd Degree Protective Garment and gave it to Julia 2nd Degree Protective Garment grants all stats +5. It could give Julia the 4 spirit points she needed for using the Minor Injury Healing.

After Julia put on the 2nd Degree Protective Garment, she suddenly felt her body improved significantly. She immediately went to the Grace side, and facing Grace, used her Minor Injury Healing.

Under the treatment of Julia's skill, which was a very serious injury, and occasionally coughing up blood, was restored to normal. Apparently her life was saved.

After taking off the Protective Garment, Ethan felt the importance of the 5 points of Vitality. With the Protective Garment, Ethan could still move around. But once he took off the Protective Garment, even breathing caused a lot of pain in his chest; extremely difficult to bear.

"Go inside!" Ethan gritted his teeth and ordered, letting Draugr support him while they walked inside.

Luna was holding the coma Grace, while Lucy and Maria were holding the unconscious Luke. A line of people carefully returned inside.

"What really happened? How could it become like this?" Daisy went to William, who was the only one that was uninjured, and asked.

The others also looked over, they wanted to know what kind of force could injure someone strong like Ethan to this condition.

William, with a forced smile, explained from the beginning to end: "After we found the vehicles, Ethan said he wanted to go to the Lei Jiang Bridge and see..."

When they heard that the Hunters blew away Grace, Luke, and Draugr with one hit, they couldn't help but gasp. They all knew how strong those four were, if instead they were to encounter the Hunters; they would all be killed within the first glimpse.

"It seems that it is even more dangerous out there, even Ethan and his skeleton were no match for the monsters." In the room, everyone's heart was enveloped in a layer of haze.

It has only been 3 days since the world ended, Ethan had hardly suffered any injury, it was the first time he was wounded. But the injuries were serious enough to the point where he could not walk. Everyone in the room was worried about the future.

In the master bedroom, Julia looked at the suffering Ethan, who was occasionally coughing up blood, and with distressed said: "Big brother Ethan, I will take off the Protective Garment, so you can put it on, okay?"

"No!" Before you recover at least 6 points of sprite, do not take off the Protective Garment! [Cough Cough]! If you do that, you will be subjected to a mental backfire." Ethan painfully coughed a few times, gasping for air. As soon as he took off his Protective Garment, he became so weak. It was clear that if Julia took off his Protective Garment, she would have mental injuries. Not to mention her sprite stat will go into - and he didn't consequence of such a thing.

"I won't take it off! I'm not taking it off!" Julia looked Ethan on the bed, with her eyes red. She was distressed while holding his left hand.

Ethan's right hand was broken by the grasp of the Hunter. It was now swollen purple-black looking extremely nasty.

Ethan ordered Draugr to protect him. He was lying in bed, gasping for breath, and could not even eat rice. If he did not add four points to Vitality, he would be dead now.

It was now nearly dusk when Julia had recovered enough MP and used it to heal Ethan. He soon fell asleep after the torture of the pain he had to go through.

At night, Ethan was attracted to the scent of food, and opened his eyes.

Ethan, after a day of fierce fighting, was very hungry and did not have any energy left. He opened his eyes and saw Luna come in with a big bowl of food.

The big bowl was filled with steaming rice, covered with four slices of luncheon meat, and a layer of stir fried vegetables. He could not help but show his appetite.

Seeing Ethan opened his eyes, Luna with a look of guilt said: "Are you awake? Sorry Ethan, I should not have screamed at you today."

Ethan was the temporary leader of this team, undertaking the most dangerous tasks, and also did not use his strength to force the girls to do any dirty things. Luna could see this, and felt ashamed for her behavior in the afternoon.

"It's okay." Ethan was lost in his own mind and said. But he did understand Luna's feelings, if their position were reversed, he would have made it worse.

Ethan reached out and wanted to get the bowl of rice, but the slightest movement aggravated his chest injuries, causing his face to be distorted with pain again.

Julia sitting next to him was somewhat distressed. She received the meal from Luna, and said: "Let me feed you! Big brother Ethan!"

Julia was by Ethan's side taking care of him since the afternoon. Even after Ethan slept, she was still by his side. If her parents saw the little witch caring for someone, they would certainly be surprised. Before the world changed, Julia was a fearless tricky little witch and extremely headstrong. Even though she got along well with Ethan, she still caused many difficult problems for him.

"Then I will rely on you!" Ethan did not force it. The bones in his right hand were broken by the Hunter type. Without Julia's healing skill, and without medical treatment, it would take him months to fully recover.

Julia sat next to Ethan, and carefully picked up the luncheon meat with her spoon. Then spooned soup along with rice into Ethan's mouth.

Luna watched as Julia took care of Ethan, her eyes flashing with a strange light. She hesitated for a moment, while staring at Ethan, slowly asked: "Ethan, today, why did you not save Grace first."

Ethan very calmly looked at Luna, and slowly said each word: "In my mind, Luke is more important than Grace! If there is a next time, I would choose the same!"

Luna looked at Ethan's earnest admission, her heart twitching, and couldn't help blurting out: "Don't you think it is too selfish and not like a gentleman?"

Ethan slowly said: "I regret to inform you that my awareness is limited, and I don't see myself as a hero. I prefer to pursue my interests without causing harm to others, I am very practical person, I am aware of my limits, and I can only do so much."

Luna was silent for a moment, with a surge of feeling, blurted out: "If today Luke and I suffered injuries, and you could only save one person. Which one will you save?"

Ethan did not hesitate and bluntly said: "Luke!"

The room was suddenly thrown into an awkward atmosphere.

Luna heard Ethan's reply, was silent for a moment, then lightly said one sentence: "Ethan, you have a good rest."

With that, Luna then turned and left the room.

Julia blinked her large, bright eyes and said with a smile: "Big brother Ethan, you're really dumb. Just now if you had said you would choose to save Luna, then maybe she would have agreed to be your girlfriend. Luna is really beautiful!"

"How can it be that simple? Luna is remarkable, but she is too much for me with her mind still stuck in the past." Ethan lightly said, I chose not to deceive her because it wouldn't have been logical. She was already aware of the truth; she simply wanted to hear it directly from me.

Julia, eyes blinking, suddenly said: "Yes, big brother Ethan, do you and Luke have that kind of love relationship? Otherwise, how can you not be tempted when Luna is so beautiful?"

This phrase causes Ethan to spring up. He suddenly pinched Julia's face with his left hand, gritted his teeth and said: "This little demon, what's inside your head? No homo"

Julia did not dare to struggle, with her suffering little face said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I know I was just joking! It's very you are not into man the way your eyes stuck on girls figures"

Ethan let go of the hand pinching Julia's face, and with a helpless smile said: Are you currently monitoring my activities, and how did you come up with this joke?

With the information of modern society, a variety of information is available on the internet for the world to see. Modern youths know more than ever, even more outlandish information. Julia is a clever and curious little witch that knows a lot of stuff. When Ethan was her tutor, he has on many occasions experienced her amazing remarks.

Julia opened her beautiful clear eyes and carefully said: "Then I'll be your girlfriend, OK?"

The room's atmosphere was awkward again.

Ethan now looked at Julia carefully.

Julia's hair was tied into a single ponytail. She has a full figure for her age, a small C cup in a tight white t-shirt, and skin is of a healthy wheat color. It is because she likes to exercise. A small, delicate, and beautiful face with big eyes. Looking like a youthful modern girl.