CH : 27 Reward and Information About The Apocalypse

Finally, with a sense of determination, he made his choice. "777," he thought firmly, trusting in the luck and divine favor associated with the number.

The golden section lit up. That golden section with the number 777 flew out, a light flashing, then condensed into a black ring with ancient and mystical runes. Falling automatically into Ethan's hand.

{6th Degree Treasure: Spatial Storage Ring. This extraordinary ring, crafted with advanced arcane technology manipulating the very fabric of time and space, grants +15 Spirit. Within its deceptively small band lies a hidden 4x4x4 storage dimension, where time itself stands still. With this ring, your personal items are not only securely stored, but also preserved in their exact state, untouched by the passage of time. It is a treasure of unparalleled convenience and power, allowing you to carry your most valuable possessions with ease and without worry.}

"This is truly a great treasure. Thank God" Ethan put the ring on his finger, and stared at the storage ring, his eyes flashing with joy. With this storage ring, he would be able to store many treasures and supplies.

After the storage ring fell into Ethan's hand, the golden roulette board immediately disappeared into the ground.

After the golden roulette board disappeared, the alert sound did not disappear:

{Since you are the first to complete the novice quest, the system will award you a 3rd Degree Protective Garment. In addition, you have received the title of Havenstead Village Discover.}

{Havenstead Village Discover effect: Power +1, Agility +1, Vitality +1, Stamina +1, Spirit +1, Strength +1.}

{3rd Degree Protective Garment. Can resist the infections of level 25 or below 50 times. Can also defend against 12.7 mm caliber bullets. Bonus: Power +10, Agility +10, Vitality +10, Stamina +10, Spirit +10, Strength +10. Bonus stats will not stack with other protective garments from the God and Devil System. Durability 50/50. Magical System Sell Price: $1000 Survival Coins.}

Ethan looked at the 3rd Degree Protective Garment, his eyes full of surprise: "The 3rd Protective Garment is amazing. With the defence against 12.7 mm caliber bullets, it would mean that even heavy machine guns cannot penetrate its defences."

Ethan took off the 2nd Degree Protective Garment and put on the 3rd Degree Protective Garment. After wearing the 3rd Degree Protective Garment, he felt much lighter than in the past.

This mysterious area was just like the Earth. Rays of sunlight shining down from the sky.

The ground was all made up of marble, it was bright, clean, and beautiful. Underneath Ethan's foot was a huge magical array filling it with a magical atmosphere. This mysterious region was filled with buildings.

Ethan's current location was an empty square. Hanging over the square was a strange crystal ball. Inside that crystal were burning flames forming the words for 24.

The streets were empty with no sign of human population; Ethan was the only one.

Ethan looked around a bit, then walked into the nearest bar from the square.

The bar and the outside world were completely different.

The bar pulsed with the intense beats of metallic rock music, illuminated by vibrant, flickering neon lights that cast a surreal glow over the room. Bartenders moved with practiced ease, serving drinks to a lively crowd. On a small stage, dancers swayed and moved in rhythm, clad in nothing but bras and panties, their movements drawing whistles and cheers from the crowd.

The room was a riot of unusual characters and creatures, all mingling in a strange harmony. Majestic bears and towering boars shared tables with goat-headed men and tiny imps fluttering on small wings. A woman with a gleaming, mechanical arm leaned over the bar, while a cowboy, equipped with bizarre, futuristic guns, there were all types of weapons with them from guns to swords, watched the scene with a knowing smile. The place was teeming with a wild assortment of fantastical and sci-fi beings, each lost in their own revelry—drinking, cheering, devouring meals, or engaging in strange games with a mercenary's bold demeanor.

The entire bar exuded an otherworldly, chaotic energy, a blend of fantasy and sci-fi that felt both exhilarating and dangerous. When Ethan walked in, most patrons gave him a brief, disinterested glance before returning to their own affairs, uninterested in the newcomer's presence.

Ethan went straight to the counter and sat down. Keeping his poker face without showing his shocked expression.

A middle-aged man wearing a bartender uniform walked by, Ethan was handed a copy of the menu, he then smiled and said: "Young man, welcome to Havenstead bar. This is the bar's menu."

Ethan took the menu and carefully looked at it. He saw that the menu was filled with a wide range of alcohol and food. There were Chateau Lafite, Flying Maotai, Tequila Ley, Henri IV Dudognon Heritage Cognac Grande, Champagne, Diva Vodka, Nebula Nectar, Stardust Ale, Galactic Grog, Moonshadow Martini, Draconian Draught, Cosmic Spice Ribs, Meteorite Meat Pie, Starbeast Stew, Lunar Lamb Skewers, Plasma Pudding….

As the list goes on. There were many names he hadn't heard and was sure didn't exist in his world were precious alcohol worth several millions as well as ordinary alcohol, but here it was only 1 Survival Coin for a large glass.

In addition to the various alcohol from the real world, on the last page of the menu were two bizarre drinks: Stamina Recovery Fruit Juice and Spirit Recovery Fruit Juice.

"Stamina Recovery Fruit Juice. After drinking, it will restore 15 SP after 5 minutes, 20 Survival Coins for a glass."

"Spirit Recovery Fruit Juice. After drinking, it will restore 15 MP after 5 minutes, 20 Survival Coins for a glass. "

[Translator Note: Remember, SP = Stamina Points. MP = Spirit/Mind Points]

Ethan had no interest in the alcohol or food or should he say he didn't have the luxury to be interested in such things, pointed to the two fruit juices and asked the bartender: "Can I pack the fruit juice to go?"

The bartender laughed and said: "Of course not. You can only enjoy these fruit juices here. However, for the other alcohols, as long as you can pay, you can package them to go. You must pay for the drinks first."

Ethan pulled out a 20 Survival Coin and gave it to the bartender: "A glass of Stamina Recovery Fruit Juice."

Bartender took Ethan's money and retreated to the back, then soon handed Ethan a green drink.

Ethan drank the Stamina Recover Fruit Juice slowly, a sweet and sour taste spreading throughout his taste buds. He soon drank the juice in one gulp.

A warmth feeling flowed throughout his body, and he was able to feel his body recovered.

After finishing drinking the fruit juice, Ethan stared at the bartender and asked: "Are you human?"

The bartender smiled and said: "Of course I am human."

Ethan continued to ask: "You are a human of this world?"

The bartender's eyes shrank slightly, still keeping that smile: "Your gaze is pretty good, I'm not a human of your world."

Ethan curiously asked: "What world are you from?"

The bartender smiled wryly and said: "System restriction, no comment."

Ethan continued asking: "The existence of the Magical System of the God and Devil, have you seen it?"

The bartender sighed and said: "In the face of that kind of existence, we are nothing but ants, how can we see it?"

Ethan thought for a moment, then frowned and said: "Why did you come to our world? Your strength is not weak."

Ethan's spirit after increasing several times had become more sensitive. He could feel that the very nice bartender was like a fierce beast, with strength far above him.

The bartender with massive strength smiled, and with a long sighed said: "Back in my world, the living environment is 100 times worse than here, and the enemies are more frightening. In our world, even at my strength, I must struggle hard for a full meal each day. In constant fear becoming a slave, entirely at the mercy of others. Although I have now become a subsidiary of the system, similar to an NPC in games terms, and is subject to the system. But life is a thousand times better than in the past, and this kind of life has been very satisfying."

Listening to the bartender's words, Ethan felt a sense of urgency. The bartender's strength was far above him. Even such a strong person was willing to become a NPC of the system, and can show him how cruel and terrifying that world was.

Ethan asked: "In the square, what does that flaming number in the crystal ball mean?"

Bartender stretched out his hand and said: "Information costs 5 Survival Coins. You must pay the appropriate fee in order to get any information from me. This is a system regulation."

Ethan pulled out a 5 Survival Coin and threw it to the bartender.

"It represents the end of the time limit. Now that you have found the novice village, then 24 hours later, the system that has been restricting the zombies inside the shopping district of Havenstead City will be lifted. They will be wandering the world in accordance with their instinct. Various zombie evolutions will be lifted at that time. Hunting zombies in the world will be 10 times more dangerous than in the past. The risk would increase steadily with each passing day." He looked at Ethan and spoke again, "Let me give you a clue, you don't think only humans turned into zombies, right?"

After listening to the bartender's words, Ethan had gone cold. As his eyes widened even though many Zoos were around the city but he still hadn't seen any wild animals, The zombies were already terrifying enough now, and its evolution was restricted. Once their evolution is lifted, he does not know what they would evolve into, not to mention the animals like Lions, Tigers, Bears, Elephants, Snake he can't imagine what a zombie Shark or Blue Wheel looked like. Just thinking about it gave him goosebumps.

But he controlled his fear and his shaking body as he still had many many questions that he needed answered. So with a deep breath Ethan frowned, and slowly said: "Don't tell me that the restriction is lifted because of me? "

The bartender shook his head and said: "No! The system was going to give one month's time, after a month, the restriction on the zombies everywhere will be lifted. A month after that, Searching for the Novice Village mission will end. Novice villages that are not found will disappear. Until someone fulfils some requirements and a quest pops up, The people in those areas will not have the opportunity to change their job, or purchase a variety of items beyond the technology of the world they were from unless they world jump.

Hearing the bartender's words, Ethan relaxed slightly, and immediately asked: "What are the requirements for the appearance of a novice village?"

"10 Survival Coins."

Ethan threw the 10 Survival Coin to the bartender.

The bartender said: "Each of the city's busiest shopping districts with a population surpassing one million will have the appearance of a novice village."

Ethan asked: "How much does it cost for the information on zombie's evolution?"

The bartender shook his head and said: "The system does not permit the sale of this information."

Ethan once again asked about issues that concerned him.

"The system does not permit the sale of this information ... ..."

"The system does not permit the sale of this information ... ..."

"The system does not permit the sale of this information ... ..."

"The system does not permit the sale of this information ... ..."

"The system does not permit the sale of this information ... ..."



The bartender only answered with that one phrase when asked with various important questions, just like a NPC in the game. Looks nothing like a flesh and blood human that comprehends.

Ethan pushed a 10 Survival Coin in front of the bartender and said: "Finally, I want to buy a piece of advice, do you have any good suggestions?"

After taking Ethan's money, the bartender with a solemn look said: "You have reached level 10. Go change jobs, and buy all the items you need to survive, then immediately escape Le Jiang City. When the zombies evolved, you currently do not have the capability to deal with them. Changing jobs is necessary because not only does it come with a skill, but you can also use Survival Coins to buy job's skills in the 'Career Centre'. And once you reach LV 30 you will qualify to enter into the 'Crossrealm Expeditions' register as 'Realm Walker' and you will be eligible to receive quests. But for now you fouse on your Job class. You should already know the power of a skill, one more skill means more abilities and a hidden trump card. Before level 30, most people can only learn three active skills. But learning job's skills has no limits."

Ethan nodded, then rose from his seat and slid five more Survival Coins toward the old bartender. Just as he turned to leave, the old man's weathered hand gripped his arm, halting him in his tracks. The bartender's voice was low, but it carried a weight that sent a shiver down Ethan's spine.

"After 24 hours what your world would experience would only be a 'Novice Difficulty'" the old man warned, his eyes dark with foreboding. "The portals haven't opened yet, and the creatures from other realms haven't arrived. Those lost to the sands of time have yet to awaken. What's coming will be far, far worse than anything you've imagined. You'll need more than just strength; you'll need a team, a family, as large and loyal as you can gather. Surviving alone won't be an option."

The old bartender released Ethan's arm and walked away, leaving him rooted to the spot, his face drained of color and his body trembling.

Realizing the gravity of what he'd just heard, Ethan quickly stepped outside, his mind reeling with the implications of the ominous warning.

After coming out put his hand on his chest as his heart was beating so fast that Ethan felt like he would have a heart attack.

"Ethan Calm down, All will well,"

Ethan spoke as he quickly took some huge gusts of wind in his lungs and after five minutes of doing he was able to control his fears and another deep breath. Outside the bar, Ethan walked along the street, then went into the towering career center building.