CH : 34 Thoughts and Hot

If he is dead, heh heh! So much the better, we can take all the beautiful girls he brought with him and have fun with them and not to mention the firearms. Ah, big brother Tiger, so that is what you had planned! You're brilliant, to come up with such a move, this little brother really admires you! Amazing!"

Tiger revealed a satisfied smile. Chen Yan was his adviser, not only was he good at flattering, his analytical capacity was also good. Tiger thought highly of him.

Liu Shui led Ethan, Chloe, and Elisa to a room on the 2nd floor of the building.

While William and Luke were in a room next to them. The other members of the team were crammed into three rooms on the ground floors.

In the eyes of Tiger, women are only an outlet to satiate his lust, and to entice powerful fighters. Besides that, they have no other values, consuming even more food . As for gender equality, Tiger does not believe in prioritizing women.

In the room that Ethan was staying in, there was a big jacuzzi. The jacuzzi was filled with steaming hot water. Obviously in the past, the owner of this home was definitely a rich man.

Ethan shed his clothes and stepped into the jacuzzi, letting the steaming water envelop him. The soothing warmth seeped into his muscles, easing the tension that had been his constant companion. For days, his body had been on high alert, braced for combat, ready to flee at a moment's notice. The escape from Lei Jiang City had been harrowing, every second a fight for survival, and the toll it had taken on him was immense. Three days of relentless driving, constantly scanning for threats, avoiding blocked routes, and navigating through a landscape that had turned hostile. The 400 kilometers to Long Hai City had felt like a thousand, each hour a battle against exhaustion, fear, and the oppressive weight of the new world they were in.

In the past world, such a journey would have been a simple day's drive. But now, with roads choked by abandoned vehicles and the constant threat of zombies and hostile humans, it had become an odyssey of survival. The stress was overwhelming, his mind spinning through countless scenarios—how to secure food, water, and safety; how to keep the group together; and now, how to free the town from Tiger's grip. He knew deep down that he couldn't just leave these people in such a hopeless situation. Children with vacant eyes, women who seemed like the living dead, and men reduced to mere shadows of themselves—it weighed heavily on him.

Ethan understood that this wasn't the only place where such atrocities were occurring; even the remnants of official government strongholds were likely not much better. In this apocalyptic world, power had become the only currency, and there were far more Homelander-types and twisted Supermen roaming around than anyone would admit. Ethan knew he wasn't the idealized hero like some blue boy scout, the paragon of hope. He had his own flaws, his own lewd tendencies, his own flaws, but at his core, he still tried to be a good person. His father, back on earth, had always told him that the most important choices you made were the ones that no would be there to see.

Maybe he couldn't be the same easygoing nice guy he was back on Earth, but that didn't mean he would abandon his moral standards. He had already committed to helping, and now that he knew it was possible to make a difference, he would go all the way. That was simply who he was, regardless of whether or not it would be the decision that benefited him the most.

The constant, gnawing anxiety had worn him down, both mentally and physically, but as he let his mind drift in the warmth of the water, he found a brief moment of peace.

But now, finally, he could breathe. As he sank deeper into the hot water, the tension in his body began to dissolve, and for the first time in what felt like an eternity, he allowed himself to stop thinking, to stop planning, to just be. He closed his eyes, letting the steam rise around him, pushing all thoughts of the hellish reality aside. This brief moment of peace was a rare gift, a fleeting respite from the chaos that had become his life.

Just as he was beginning to lose himself in the tranquility, the door to the bathroom creaked open. Two girls, wrapped in towels, stepped inside, breaking the fragile bubble of solitude.

The youthful face, Chloe went towards Ethan, and said: "Master! We are here to attend to your bathing."

Ethan frowned, and wanted to say no. But after glancing at Chloe Ethan, somehow he could not say those words.

Chloe was wrapped in a white bath towel, in the steamy fog, her youthful face blushing red, with her snow white skin. In addition with those rising peaks, it was too seductive to a man. This was a woman with a pure and enchanting body.

As Ethan sat in silence, the two women; Chloe and Elisa, entered the jacuzzi. One behind was behind him and the other in front.

Elisa sat behind Ethan, hugging him with her ample bosom. She's awared that she cannot match Chloe, so she used her breasts to please Ethan.

Chloe was sitting in front of Ethan, her face bright red feeling full of shame. She was a gift that Tiger used to woo an expert fighter. She has not been touched by a man, asking her to take the initiative to please a man was not something she could normally do.

Hesitating for a moment, Chloe's trembling hand reached towards Ethan beneath the water.

Ethan, seeing Chloe's appearance, couldn't help but shout: "Wait a minute!"

Chloe was startled, turning pale. She then rushed to capture Ethan's little brother, and fearfully said: "Master! This slave will make you happy! Will satisfy you. Please don't kick me out! Don't push me away!!"

Tiger's methods are cruel, with his strict rules. Chloe has already seen the miserable fate of those women, she did not want to become a part of those female zombies.

"I'm not kicking you out!" Ethan reached out, capturing Chloe's hand, pushing it to the side, and said aloud: "I have something to ask you."

Chloe let out a sigh of relief and said: "Master, please ask."

At this moment, Chloe felt waves of sorrow. Before the end of the world, she was like a star; a little princess surrounded by myriad pet set collections. But now because of a man's word, she had felt delighted and afraid.

Ethan suddenly asked: "What kind of past does Tiger have, do you know?"

Chloe thought for a while, organized her thoughts, and said: "Boss Tiger ... ..."

From the lips of Chloe, Ethan learned about Tiger's life history.

In the past, Tiger was one of the leaders of a gang in Lei Jiang City. After the end of the world, he then fled Lei Jiang City in a vehicle with several of his henchmans.

In the process of fleeing Le Jiang City, Tiger met the armed police force that was escorting the leaders of Lei Jiang City.

Tiger mixed in with these survivors, seeing his chance, he led his brothers to seize the firearms from those armed police forces. Amidst the fighting between the police force and zombies, he took the opportunity to kill the police Force. Forcefully taking the survivors and fleeing to Always Bright Village.

After entering Always Bright Village, Tiger aggressively searched for survivors. The men that trusted him were included in the armed force. The beautiful women were picked by him and brothers for pleasure. Those that displeased Tiger were thrown into the henhouse for the other militants to enjoy.

If those militants accomplished great merits, Tiger would give them a beautiful woman as private property. The militant's meals were also the best, so the armed forces were composed of Tiger's most loyal militants.

Lei Chen was Tiger's number one henchman that was notorious in Lei Jiang City. He is Tiger's trusted henchman, and still follows Tiger.

Zhang Xiang and Chen Yan were the talented people that Tiger recruited among the survivors. Zhang Xiang was a gang leader of five or six men when he was recruited by Tiger.

The Vickey that blocked Ethan's way on the road junction is the cousin of Chen Yan. When Chen Yan was recruited by Tiger, he also had seven or eight men under him.

Tiger doesn't mind talking about his past, so that is why Chloe dared to talk about his past.

Chloe was captured by Tiger after he seized power from the police force.

Among the women survivors, those that Tiger was interested in, Chloe was the only one that he had not touched yet. If Ethan did not appear, Tiger would use Chloe to entice some other powerful fighter.

In addition to Chloe, Tiger also had several other beautiful virgin girls. These girls were the ones he kept to entice powerful men. Tiger had enjoyed enough virgins. However, he preferred mature women that know how to serve rather than virgins that know nothing.

'This bandit leader is really insightful! And knows how to present his speech and pull other parties towards him' Ethan's back was kneading the plump and elastic pair of breasts, while quietly thinking.

Ethan's hand was kneading the plump and elastic pair of breasts.

As Chloe was explaining Tiger's history, she was unconsciously surrounded by Ethan's arms, allowing this man to touch her.

Ethan is only an ordinary man, he also likes beautiful women. However, after the end of the world, he had to restrain his desires. He did not touch the girls because of moral constraints and because he had to protect them. Chloe was youthful, beautiful, charming, and was given to him by Tiger. Chloe also did not show any objection, so he did not restrict his own hands.

"Ethan, what are you doing!" At the moment when Ethan was about to kiss Chloe's lips, a petite figure came rushing towards Ethan and shouted angrily.

Ethan looked up and found the petite figure of Julia.

Seeing Julia, Ethan unconsciously felt a sense of panic. However, his face was unchanged, and slowly said: "What are you doing here?"

Julia seeing that Ethan embracing Chloe in the jacuzzi, she was jealous, angry and frustrated. Her eyes were red and filled with tears, as if a wife that just caught her husband cheating on her, her eyes red, with tears in her eyes as if to see a husband who cheated on his wife, shouted loudly: "Ethan, how are you worthy of me when you do this?"

Ethan calmly said: "Jul, you go out outside and wait for me, I need to talk to you. "

Julia, after hearing Ethan's words, left the room in anger.

"Master, she is your girlfriend?" Chloe looked at Julia, her eyes flashing a hint of hatred. She hated Julia, because as a woman, she had to give up her dignity to serve a man, and had to work together with another woman to do such shameless things. While Julia was like a princess, losing her temper like an arrogant princess.

Ethan smiled and sighed: "I don't know."

Ethan had always treated Julia like a sister. In Lei Jiang City, Julia had confessed to him, so he had started to look at her as a woman. Even now, he does not know whether he likes her or not. At the time of when they travelled to Long Hai City, Ethan did not have time to think about those things.

In no mood to continue playing with Chloe, Ethan washed his body and left the room.

Julia sat on the bed, her back turned, anger radiating from her stiff posture. As Ethan approached, her silence spoke volumes.

Ethan settled across from her, Chloe and Elisa standing quietly behind him. His gaze softened as he looked at Julia, seeing the pain behind her anger. "Jul," he began gently, "you've always been like a sister to me. I love you like family, and I'll always protect you, just like a brother should."

He paused, hoping his words would soothe the tension in the air.

Julia's resolve began to crumble. Her anger faded into something more vulnerable as she threw herself into Ethan's arms, her voice breaking with emotion. "Big brother Ethan! I don't want to be your sister. I want to be your girl. I know I was wrong—I won't get angry or jealous anymore, and I won't mind your relationships with many women. Please, Ethan, you can't abandon me. You're the only person I have left to rely on. Without you, I don't know how I'll keep going."

The harsh reality of their new world had stripped away Julia's innocence, leaving her with a fear that gnawed at her daily. The cruelty she'd witnessed, especially in Always Bright Village, had shaken her to the core. Ethan's protection was the only thing that made her feel safe in this merciless world.

As she wept in his arms, Ethan's heart ached. He held her close, his voice a tender whisper. "Shh, it's okay, Jul. I'm not abandoning you, and I never will. You know I'll always be here for you. I just want to keep you safe, Jul don't you have that much trust in me. I just want to love you as a sister. And I am not as great as you think. I'm just an ordinary man, not worthy of your love. I'm not as perfect as you think. I'm just a man trying to do the right thing in a world that's gone mad."

His words hung in the air, filled with a deep sincerity. The bond between them was undeniable, and in that moment, Ethan knew he couldn't let her down.

Seeing Ethan comfort Julia like this, Chloe and Elisa eyes were full of envy.

Julia is an important person to him, which is why he would carefully explain to her. Chloe on the other hand, was attracted by her beauty, and had no special feelings or concerns about each other's thoughts.

In this Always Bright Village, Tiger and his men do not see women as human. They just see them as a tool to get relief. Zhang Xiang was more perverted, he likes to torture women, and train them like an animal. All the women are afraid of falling into the hands of Zhang Xiang. In this post-apocalyptic world, to be protected and respected by a strong man like Ethan, is a kind of happiness.

Julia, with a pair of watery eyes, looked at Ethan, and boldly said: "But I don't want to be your sister. I really don't want to. Big brother Ethan, I love you, I love you. I want you to be my man! Except for you, no one else will."

Before the end of the world, Julia was a very bold and enthusiastic girl, daring to always say wild things. In this post-apocalyptic world, without her parents' control, she feared for the future, and was more emboldened at this moment. Of course, in the past, even though she likes Ethan, she would not be so bold and enthusiastic to confess to him.

Ethan held Julia, remembering when Julia took care of him when he was seriously injured. His heart softened, and softly said: "All Right! All right! All right! From today on, you are my girlfriend."

Just after Ethan said this, a valiant and handsome figure flashed in his mind.

Julia wiped away her tears, a playful smile breaking through as she held onto Ethan. "Big brother Ethan, you said it! From now on, I'm officially your girlfriend. And no matter how many other women come along, they'll all have to call me 'Big Sister,' 'First Wife' the Chief Wife! and rest will be just your concubines"