A Killers Mind

Immediately Chari kicked down the door, the room exploded sending splinters of wood and cement in all directions. 

But since Chari had been wary of traps from the onset he didn't rush into the room immediately. That was what saved him, he immediately put his foot to the doorframe and just before the door even hit the ground he propelled himself backwards. 

This sent him back a couple of feet and he rolled to a stop but before he could regain his composure a piece of fiery wood came soaring through the air as if it had been sent on an assignment, scratching his neck before whistling past him. 

The pain was nothing too severe but Chari reached for the cut to inspect the wound, it was a shallow cut, any further and it would have been a different story. It was ironic how what had almost killed him was probably never even planned for. 

The flames violently danced in the room burning what was once a deluxe suite to smithers, Chari briefly glanced at the flames, giving it a strange look before looking away. 

"I guess we know he wasn't in that room."

He was now facing a staircase that had one sign on it labeled 'roof.'


A man stood at the edge of the roof in a long black cloak that blended with the night and tough boots that gave him the appearance of a detective of some sort. He had a large cigar between his teeth burning gently as the wind blew against it filling the atmosphere with the light smell of smoke. 

His name was a mystery, his age unknown, his habits obscure, even his face was not common knowledge. But even still a red alert was issued to him. How were you going to kill a man you didn't know?

He chuckled, his hoarse voice caused by years of smoking filled the air. 

The only thing known about this man was that number one he liked to be called Jericho and 2 he was a psychopath. At least that is what they tagged him as, he was just enjoying one of his many hobbies. 

Many years ago killing tons of people would make you a war hero but now do the same thing and you're called a psychopath, it was truly unfair. Humans needed more than food, water and shelter to stay alive. Everyone had needs!

Imagine if you were placed in a box and only given food and water for the rest of your life with no other form of mental stimulation at all. How long do you think you could survive? A few weeks? A couple of months?

No! You would be dead from the onset because that isn't what living is. Living is far deeper than just staying alive, you have to interact with people, have fun, go to parties, play games. That is the essence of life!

He lifted his arm into the air causing the girl sitting next to him to shuffle back. 

'Well that was pretty awkward.'

Anyways for him his 'living' could only be completed when he explored his proclivities. It just happens to be that his proclivities were a tiny little bit of murder. It had been this way ever since he was born, right from the age of 5 he already knew his fate, there was nothing he could do to change it. 

But things were a little different today, of course murder was still on the table but today he was interested in a different type of murder. How would it feel to duel someone to the death? It would be just like the ancient times! The good old days. 

And who better to duel than someone in the special force. That was why he was doing this, that was why he kidnapped members of their IT team, that was why he thinned down their numbers! 

Today he would experience ultimate bliss! Just like his forefathers of old. 

And just as he finished his thought process the door of the roof creaked open and a boy stepped out of the darkness. 

Jericho turned and with a smile that made the girl next to him shudder he said:


Chari opened the door gently this time and after a short pause stepped through the door. In front of him was Jericho, or at least he believed it was dangerously standing at the edge of the building. He was looking straight at him, as though he was expecting him. 

Next to Jericho was Vera. She was in a deplorable state, her normally vibrant blonde hair was now messy and covered in dirt that stole its glow, her clothes ragged and tear marks covered her face, fresh tears welling up in her eyes ready to set themselves free. 

When she saw Chari her eyes lit up with hope which slowly turned into fear.

'She's afraid you're going to die.' His alter's voice rang in his head. 

There was a pause. 

'Do you want to switch with me?'

If it was any other case switching would have been less of an issue but this case was different. To him it was a chance at some sort of redemption. He could never bring his sister back. He knew that but Chari felt he needed to do this himself. 

He had to save Vera with his strength alone. If he had to rely on his alter to save her wouldn't that mean that he was still the person he was all those years ago? When he helplessly watched his sister die…

Chari felt his alter silently agreeing with his thought process, no words needed to be said. After all, they could read their thoughts to some degree. 

He unslung the metallic staff hanging on his back and took his stance. The staff felt so heavy in his hand that Chari felt with it he could knock the insanity right out of Jericho. 

Jericho following his lead took out a long curved crooked dagger. With a wicked tip that looked sharp enough to sever limbs in an instant. Both were deadly weapons in the hands of any individual. 

With no words shared between the two of them, they simply stared at each other for a moment, each one analyzing his opponent.

One burning with fierce determination and the other was watching in strange delight and then the two bodies moved in a flash.