Blood Stained Flowers II

The leader of the bandits lunged forward with the same uncaring look on his face, the same look he had when he killed Sarah's friend.

Among all 4 of them she was definitely stronger than the twins and at least slightly stronger than Sarah so it was only natural that she fought the leader.

It looked like he was thinking the same thing because he came after her first.

Just from looking at him she could already tell that he was considerably strong. The scars on his body told stories of how many battles he had fought, against both humans and Phantoms, the way he heaved the heavy blade spoke of his strength and that look on his eyes… cold and calculating, a characteristic of a battle hardened veteran.

He had already analyzed how this fight would go, he saw himself as the undeniable victor and had no doubt planned out his every move as well as mapped out theirs.

Too bad for him though, although Jane was young she too was no stranger to battle and her greatest strong point was her trickery.

No matter how strong you may be, sometimes all it takes to bring you down was just falling into a trap or two and she herself was a master of tricks.

The heavy naginata came down upon Jane in one powerful thrust and she barely managed to dodge the blow throwing herself to the side and then lunging forward with her dagger.

The bandit leader easily blocked her strike and delivered a strike of his own, one she barely managed to dodge. Each of her strikes were utterly useless, no matter how fast she moved or how much force she put on her blows it was as though her attacks were all futile.

She pushed her dagger forward again and just as he attempted to block it again threw the dagger to her right hand and stuck from below. Mubita reacted fast to her deception using his knee to knock her hand to the side.

But that too was another deception, her true attack had already been launched, her left hand was now moving towards his face, an attack that he couldn't possibly dodge.

But he didn't have to.

Out of nowhere Mubita let go of the naginata and received her blow with a blow of his.

Just before both fists collided there was a slight shimmer on his fist. Jane saw this, but it was too late to dodge.


A tremor ran from her fingers down through her bones of her forearm until everything compounded on her humerus the force knocking her back violently and shattering the bones of her arm.

She grasped onto her arm painfully as blood tricked down her wrist staining her clothes.

As she tried to suppress a scream she could hear a victorious chuckle as Mubita walked forward, once again the naginata was resting on his shoulders.

"Typical of women, always full of tricks."

He approached her each step bringing her one step closer to her death.

Although strength wasn't exactly her strong suit she considered herself to be at least strong enough to take a blow, having all her bones shattered like this… and that shimmer at the end.

'What exactly is his enigma?'

Jane staggered back grasping onto her arm as she weakly fell backwards, she got back up again only to stumble back a bit more.

Mubita seemed to be enjoying himself, all that time he just casually strolled forward taking gentle strides heaving his naginata like an executioner.

Then finally tripped by an oddly strange rock Jane found herself on the floor, a defiant glint in her eyes as she stared up at his hulking build.

Mubita yawned as he stared up at her.

"You can just became my captive instead of dying like a dog you know."

"I rather die." Jane spat.

"Well that's what I thought."

And just like that the Naginata flew high up into the air and then came down. It was as though in that moment everything slowed.

The weight of the naginata combined with the strength of its user made it impossible for her to block and the speed at which it was coming made it impossible to dodge.

Even mubita would find it difficult to change the current trajectory of the blade.


Jane was not as weak as she acted out to be, in fact she could probably still go on for longer even if she would inevitably lose.

Although she didn't expect to lose her arm in the process, her aim was to slowly bring him to a specific point on the flower field turned battle field and then prepare him for an overwhelming attack.

One he could not dodge.

'A trick within a trick, within a fucking trick!'

Suddenly the ground quaked, something metallic peaked out of the soil like a corn seedling and then the full form could be seen, multiple daggers surged forth at a terrifying speed all aimed at Mubita. They would surround him and strike from each direction, an attack that he couldn't possibly evade.

Then something strange happened, all of a sudden the wind all around Jane moved as well combining with the dagger to form something even more terrifying.

It was like- like- like a literal storm of blades!

A combination technique.

There was a shimmer, a spark and a cloud of dust.

Sarah floated to Jane's side, her hair levitating in the air all around her like they had a mind of their own. Her gray eyes appeared to grow darker and her face was devoid of any form of emotion.

Everything about her was different, from her aura to the way she looked at mubita.

Even Jane paled when she stood next to her, because even as she remained stoic everyone could feel it…

Her intense murderous intent... it was so thick that Jane felt she could reach into the air and grasp it.

But at the same time something by far worse was brewing.