Aliana's present

"And then we have the seventh. The greatest stain on the legacy of the great clans, the Night Continent, Otuohul…"

Luck stared at the map of Otuohul suddenly brimming with curiosity, why did she call it the greatest stain on the legacy of the great clans and why was it called the night continent?

Luckily, Aliana didn't keep him waiting for long.

"Otuohul was lost to the phantom beasts about a century ago, the whole continent has been ravaged by high level beasts and the land desecrated to the point that it is now shrouded in darkness. The concept of night and day is lost in that continent."

She paused and then pointed at Harelfall. Aliana was done talking about the dark continent but Luck's curiosity had not still been sated.