Visions of the past

As Luck stared into those golden eyes, violent memories surged causing him to shudder. This light tremor was barely noticeable by anyone else in the room except him.

Those eyes were all too familiar, that joking tone, the psychotic smile, the golden eyes shining though the darkness… all while he burned.

Luck tried to shake away the memories but they all came rushing in. He vividly remembered how excruciatingly painful it was to withstand the sealing, he remembered how useless he felt days after, he remembered how much he suffered…

Those golden eyes were a stark reminder of his past… of what that man had done.

Even still, Luck could still feel a vague sense of familiarity that was unrelated to that man but it was all but drowned under the cacophony of horrid memories.

It was like a dying light shrouded in a vast lake of darkness, but that light was still enough to make prompt him to ask:

"Have we met?"