The Search

"Cats almost never stray too far from their home, at least from my experience."

Luck began to explain his reasoning to Emilie. During the times when he was put incharge of watching Sarah's cat there were a few times that it managed to evade him, either because he was busy training or whenever he fell asleep.

Each time the cat got away he would end up finding it somewhere nearby, sometimes under a chair or somewhere in the bushes around the estate.

This was a rather upscale apartment that even had security guards stationed at the lobby so Luck doubted that the cat would have somehow escaped the building.

Windows that were not inside apartments were also usually closed. Since it would have probably already been reported if it found itself into someone's home he was sure it was indeed within the confines of the building.

Except if it jumped out of Ella's window… in which case, it would be dead…