Death of the Shadow

Layla suddenly coughed violently, her strength fleeing her very muscles as her shadows fell apart. Her headache intensified up to the point where she heard a scream that vaguely sounded like her own voice.

She lost all sense of direction and soon found herself on the cold floor.

The full week of constantly using her enigma had finally caught up to her.

Blood spewed out of her nose and mouth and her breathing became laboured.

Veralth who was confused by the entire thing was so lost that instead of using his sword to finish her once and for all, he delivered a kick instead.

In his attempt to keep her away, the kick was so powerful that she was tossed into the ground with a deafening force.

Layla layed there unmoving.

Veralth stared at her for a moment before a psychotic laugh tore through his throat.

His arm was bleeding profusely but he didn't care, he was just too mirthful.